- Install JDK from java.sun.com
- set env variable JAVA_HOME to the installed JDK
- run from project folder: "mvnw clean package"
- Launch start.bat (first time will apply an export script)
- Launch DCS
Look into the start.bat for the example line, and change the last one.
- -noborders remove window borders (still draggable via mouse)
- -useMFD1 connects to the thrustmaster MFD buttons, number 1
- -useMFD2 connects to the thrustmaster MFD buttons, number 2
- -xy2433,25 Initial position
- -s512 Size in pizels (square, both dimensions)
Bullseye comes from a predefined hard coded value, you need to change it yourself.
If you hold down the page button, the pages can be customized, just as the A-10C does.
There is no limit to the amount of MFCDs you can have. You can also setup both, with both thrustmaster MFD controllers, for example.
You can create mark points, but they will be visible only in the MFCD. They can be created on your current position, with an offset from BE, or by coordinates.