A native JavaScript integration for the Hetzner cloud to easily manage your resources.
Import library from the ESM.SH CDN for fast and easy setup:
Simply include hetzner-cloud
in your html <header>
<script type="module">
import * as hetznerAPI from "//esm.sh/gh/rahatool/hetzner-cloud";
In order to be able to use hetzner-cloud in web workers, you need to import the source file as an ES6 module using:
import * as hetznerAPI from "//esm.sh/gh/rahatool/hetzner-cloud";
Use the package manager npm to install hetzner-cloud.
$ npm install github:rahatool/hetzner-cloud
$ npm install npm:node-fetch
If you want to run examples in Node.js runtime environment, you need to add below lines of code at the top of them.
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
global.fetch = fetch;
Grab the latest release file.
First of all you have to register your api token. To obtain an api token go to your project on Hetzner Cloud Console and navigate to access.
import {setAccessToken, Server, FloatingIP, SSHKey, Image, Volume, Network, ISO, Pricing, ServerType, Location, Datacenter, Action} from "@raha.group/hetzner-cloud";
setAccessToken('your api token');
class Server {
static getAll(options?: {status?: enum {initializing, starting, running, stopping, off, deleting, rebuilding, migrating, unknown}, sort?: enum {id, name, created}, name?: String, label_selector?: Array}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Server>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Server>;
/*includes root_password
@throws Error if placement_error*/
save(): Promise<Server>;
destroy(): Promise<Action>;
metrics(options: {type: enum {cpu, disk, network}, start: String, end: String, step?: Number}): Promise<Object>;
powerOn(): Promise<Action>;
reboot(): Promise<Action>;
/*Cuts power to a server and starts it again. This forcefully stops it without giving the server operating system time to gracefully stop. This may lead to data loss, it’s equivalent to pulling the power cord and plugging it in again. Reset should only be used when reboot does not work.*/
reset(): Promise<Action>;
shutdown(): Promise<Action>;
/*Cuts power to the server. This forcefully stops it without giving the server operating system time to gracefully stop. May lead to data loss, equivalent to pulling the power cord. Power off should only be used when shutdown does not work.*/
powerOff(): Promise<Action>;
resetPassword(): Promise<{root_password: String, action: Action}>;
/*@throws Error if rescue_already_enabled.*/
enableRescue(options?: {type?: enum {linux64, linux32, freebsd64}, ssh_keys?: Array}): Promise<{root_password: String, action: Action}>;
/*@throws Error if rescue_already_disabled*/
disableRescue(): Promise<Action>;
createImage(options?: {description?: String, type?: enum {snapshot, backup}, labels?: Object}): Promise<{image: Image, action: Action}>;
enableBackup(): Promise<Action>;
disableBackup(): Promise<Action>;
rebuild(options: {image: String}): Promise<{root_password: String, action: Action}>;
/*@throws Error if server_not_stopped or invalid_server_type.*/
changeType(options: {upgrade_disk: Boolean, server_type: String}): Promise<Action>;
attachISO(options: {iso: String}): Promise<Action>;
detachISO(): Promise<Action>;
changeReverseDNS(options: {ip: String, dns_ptr: String}): Promise<Action>;
changeProtection(options: {delete?: Boolean, rebuild?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
requestConsole(): Promise<{wss_url: String, password: String, action: Action}>;
attachToNetwork(options: {network: Number, ip?: String, alias_ips?: Array}): Promise<Action>;
detachFromNetwork(options: {network: Number}): Promise<Action>;
changeAliasIPs(options: {network, Number, alias_ips: Array}): Promise<Action>;
actions(options?: {status: enum {running, success, error}, sort: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
// Create a Server
let resource = new Server;
name: String,
server_type: String,
start_after_create?: Boolean,
image: String,
ssh_keys?: Array,
volumes?: Array,
networks?: Array,
user_data?: String,
labels?: Object,
automount?: Boolean,
location?: String,
datacenter?: String,
await resource.save();
// Update a Server
let resource = new Server;
id: Number,
name?: String,
labels?: Object,
// Delete a Server
let resource = await Server.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get a Server
let resource = await Server.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
// Get all Servers
for await (let resource of Server.getAll({name: 'test', label_selector: ['k', '!k', 'k in (v1,v2,v3)', 'k notin (v1,v2,v3)']})) {
for await (let action of resource.actions({status: 'error', sort: 'started:desc'})) {
class FloatingIP {
static getAll(options?: {sort?: enum {id, created}, label_selector?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<FloatingIP>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<FloatingIP>;
save(): Promise<FloatingIP>;
destroy(): Promise<Action>;
assign(options?: {server: Number}): Promise<Action>;
unassign(): Promise<Action>;
changeReverseDNS(options?: {ip: String, dns_ptr: String}): Promise<Action>
changeProtection(options: {delete?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
actions(options?: {status: enum {running, success, error}, sort: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
// Create a FloatingIP
let resource = new FloatingIP;
type: enum {ipv4, ipv6},
server?: Number,
home_location?: String,
description?: String,
labels?: Object,
await resource.save();
// Update a FloatingIP
let resource = new FloatingIP;
id: Number,
description?: String,
labels?: Object
// Delete a FloatingIP
let resource = await FloatingIP.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get a FloatingIP
let resource = await FloatingIP.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
class SSHKey {
static getAll(options?: {sort?: enum {id, name}, name?: String, fingerprint?: String, label_selector?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<SSHKey>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<SSHKey>;
save(): Promise<SSHKey>;
destroy(): Promise<Void>;
// Create a SSHKey
let resource = new SSHKey;
name: String,
public_key: String
await resource.save();
// Update a SSHKey
let resource = new SSHKey;
id: Number,
name?: String,
labels?: Object
// Delete a SSHKey
let resource = await SSHKey.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get a SSHKey
let resource = await SSHKey.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
class Image {
static getAll(options?: {sort?: enum {id, name, created}, type?: {system, snapshot, backup}, status?: {available, creating}, bound_to?: String, name?: String, label_selector?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Image>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Image>;
/*@throws Error if request create image*/
save(): Promise<Image>;
destroy(): Promise<Action>;
changeProtection(options: {delete?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
actions(options?: {status: enum {running, success, error}, sort: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
// Note: The operation "Create an Image" is not available
// Update an Image
let resource = new Image;
id: Number,
description?: String,
type?, enum {snapshot},
labels?: Object,
// Delete an Image
let resource = await Image.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get an Image
let resource = await Image.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
class Volume {
static getAll(options?: {status?: enum {available, creating}, sort: enum {id, name, created}, name?: String, label_selector?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Volume>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Volume>;
save(): Promise<Volume>;
destroy(): Promise<Action>;
attach(options: {server: Number, automount?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
detach(): Promise<Action>;
resize(options: {size: Number}): Promise<Action>;
changeProtection(options: {delete?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
actions(options?: {status: enum {running, success, error}, sort: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
// Create a Volume
let resource = new Volume;
size: Number,
name: String,
labels?: Object,
automount?: Boolean,
format?: String,
location?: String,
server?: Number
await resource.save();
// Update a Volume
let resource = new Volume;
id: Number,
name: String,
labels?: Object
// Delete a Volume
let resource = await Volume.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get a Volume
let resource = await Volume.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
class Network {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String, label_selector?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Network>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Network>;
save(): Promise<Network>;
destroy(): Promise<Action>;
addSubnet(options: {type: String, ip_range?: String, network_zone?: String}): Promise<Action>;
deleteSubnet(options: {ip_range: String}): Promise<Action>;
addRoute(options: {destination: String, gateway, String}): Promise<Action>;
deleteRoute(options: {destination: String, gateway: String}): Promise<Action>;
changeIPRange(options: {ip_range: String}): Promise<Action>;
changeProtection(options: {delete?: Boolean}): Promise<Action>;
actions(options?: {status: enum {running, success, error}, sort: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
// Create a Network
let resource = new Network;
name: String,
ip_range: String,
labels?: Object,
subnets?: Array,
routes?: Array,
await resource.save();
// Update a Network
let resource = new Network;
id: Number,
name?: String,
labels?: Object,
// Delete a Network
let resource = await Network.get(id);
await resource.destroy();
// Get a Network
let resource = await Network.get(id);
// await resource.action(parameters);
ISOs are Read-Only images of DVDs
class ISO {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<ISO>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<ISO>;
class Pricing {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Pricing>;
class ServerType {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<ServerType>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<ServerType>;
class Location {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Location>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Location>;
class Datacenter {
static getAll(options?: {name?: String}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Datacenter>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Datacenter>;
class Action {
static getAll(options?: {status?: enum {running, success, error}, sort?: enum {id, command, status, progress, started, finished}}): AsyncGeneratorFunction<Action>;
static get(identifier: Number): Promise<Action>;
This project has been tested and works on the following engines:
- Chrome (desktop & Android)
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari 12+ (desktop & iOS)
- Node.js 10+
This project by Raha Group is licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 License.
Official Hetzner Cloud API documentation
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