Goal Tracker Bot is a telegram bot written in Go to track your goal progress.
Creating a Google Cloud project.
- Navigate to Google Cloud Console Dashboard
- Create a new project and select it from the project selection screen.
- Navigate to IAM & admin section and create a service account.
- Download the service account credentials in JSON format and place it in the project root.
Create a telegram bot account by chatting with BotFather
Create a Google Spreadsheet and share it with the service account created in step 1.
Finally create a .env file with below values
- PRIVATE_BOT_TOKEN - Token that BotFather returns you when you create a bot account.
- SPREADSHEET_ID - The part of the shared sheet url between d/ and /edit
- CREDS_LOC - Path to the credentials saved in step 1 substep 4.
Run the bot using godotenv -f .env go run main.go