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Assets are still compiled when config.assets.compile set false (including in production) #2886

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@mjtko mjtko commented Sep 6, 2011

During discussions on #RubyOnRails, it was discovered that when config.assets.compile is set to false, assets are still compiled under the following conditions:

  1. config.serve_static_assets is set to false (the default in production) and any request is made for an asset
  2. any request is made for an asset without digest (irrespective of the value of config.serve_static_assets)

This pull request contains a patch to only mount the asset server if config.assets.compile is set to true. In the instance that it is set to false, and a request is made as outlined above, the user agent will receive a 404.

A test for the patch, "assets routes are not drawn when compilation is disabled", is included, as is a small change to the existing test "assets do not require any assets group gem when manifest file is present" which now serves the precompiled asset statically rather than via the assets server.

(Additional credit due to cachemoney on #RubyOnRails for working on this with me.)

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@mjtko ya that's a good idea but two things ...

  1. we can wrap all the after_initialize
  2. we need the assets:precompile task to copy each file twice, with and without the digest.
    We need rails-#{digest}.png and rails.png because of emails.

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I like @spastorino idea 2 - copy each file twice, with and without the digest; I was thinking about this this weekend. It's not just emails - I use my application css file in my 404.html and 500.html files, for example. I need to reference the css path without the digest (since I don't know the digest), and I don't want to use a server-processed css path for something like a 500.html page...

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mjtko commented Sep 6, 2011


  1. we can wrap all the after_initialize

Sure, though I figured other libraries, engines and the like may want to make use of the other settings performed in that block - I admit this is somewhat a corner case, but I didn't want to submit a pull request for a change that was considered too sweeping! I can wrap the whole lot though, np.

  1. we need the assets:precompile task to copy each file twice, with and without the digest.

Right, I understand why the assets server had been left mounted now. :) In which case, I'll take a look at updating the precompile task too.

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mjtko commented Sep 6, 2011


I took a slightly more complicated approach with the precompile task - I (personally) don't like the idea of cluttering my precompiled assets output with a bunch of duplicate data so, while this is the default, there are 3 other options - do nothing (:none), symlink (err, :symlink) and hard link (:hardlink).

I think this will give people the flexibility to decide what to do but still retains the principle of least surprise.

RFC :)

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@spastorino Agree with 1)
About 2) I think can be handled separately in another pull request since we must think if there is a better solution for emails. (I don't like to idea of have all the assets duplicated)

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mjtko commented Sep 6, 2011


I agree, I don't like having all the assets duplicated - which is why I took the approach of giving the developer the option of duplicating, not duplicating or linking the 'undigested' assets.

We can shunt it to a separate pull request if that's preferred ofc.

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I'd remove the configs seems excessive and just copy files because of windows

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/cc @luislavena is it ok to symlink rails-MD5.png as rails.png on Windows or we should just copy them?

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mjtko commented Sep 7, 2011


Yeah, I defaulted to :duplicate precisely because of the lack of reliable link facilities on MS filesystems. I wanted to provide a configuration option because I can see some people objecting to the idea of duplicating all the assets (eg. @guilleiguaran above!).

If this seems too complicated for now, I can back out those changes and revert the task to a 'dumb copy' approach and we can discuss different approaches in the scope of a different pull request. :)

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@spastorino while there are hardlinks and symlinks on Windows, Ruby doesn't know about them.

symlink and link will raise NotImplementedError on Windows, so default to :duplicate seems fine with me (there will be no broken experience)

If user has the option to customize, and knows what he is doing with symlinks or hardlinks, then fine.

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@mjtko please remove the config option and provide another pull request for that

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mjtko commented Sep 7, 2011

Ok, will do. Getting late (early?) here (just after 2am) so will pick this up tomorrow.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions. :)

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I believe we need to refactor assets:precompile before adding more code. The whole precompilation code could be moved to a class inside actionpack/lib/sprockets and properly tested without a need to boot a new app everytime.

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@mjtko your original patch was committed: f22407d, we don't pick the refactor of the second one since it break some tests.

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This was already merged

@spastorino spastorino closed this Sep 13, 2011
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mjtko commented Sep 14, 2011

Ok, thanks. Sorry I didn't pick this up again. If I find some time I'll submit an additional pull request regarding the duplication facility.

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@mjtko thanks we opt for just leaving the users put their stuff in the public dir so there's not going to be a duplication thing.
Thanks for your help anyway :).

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mjtko commented Sep 14, 2011

Ok, that sounds like a great and simple plan. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. :)

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@spastorino unless I'm misunderstanding, it seems like this solution (moving stuff to public) leaves a deficiency for a common use case, when using the asset pipeline defaults (no fallback, digest on).

If one wants to reference a compiled asset (e.g. application.css) from a static HTML file (like an email, or like a 500.html page), then there isn't a way to reference that asset without the digest...and the digest isn't known at authoring time.


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@greinacker: are you talking about: #2917?

Actually @spastorino is working on it

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@guilleiguaran it's close - ideally I'd want to just be able to point to /assets/application.css from static files and be able to ensure that it will be resolved.

The commit referenced in that issue had a comment with an interesting idea, adding middleware which would lookup your asset request in the manifest and redirect to the digest version...

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@greinacker definitely the best solution is to make a middleware yeah

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@spastorino ya know, thinking about this some of the benefits of precompiling assets is to generate static files that the web server can serve, without involving rails or any middleware. So the middleware solution doesn't really support that. Seems like what we need is a way to say that certain assets should be copied (probably duplicated) without a digest.

This could be taken care of in deployment- right after assets:precompile could be a task to copy some assets...but that just kind of feels kludgy. Seems like the assets:precompile could do the right thing, if we had a way to specify what that right thing was...

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mjtko commented Sep 15, 2011

@greinacker You make a good point about not wanting to involve rails or middleware. I wonder, then, whether a two-pronged attack to solve this issue is required.

It seems to me that the redirect (rather than duplicate) idea has merit as you want to ensure that cache busting still works - another primary use case for the pipeline - so I would suggest:

  1. have a rake task (possibly this could be done in precompile) emit redirection language for your web server of choice (I suppose nginx and apache would be the targets) which can be included within their configuration to provide explicit 302 redirects for digest-less assets. We already have the mapping from digest-less to digested filename in the manifest file, so this would be a translation of that information.
  2. create a middleware as outlined in 82afaa0, which will be called into action as a fallback when accessing the rails app directly.

This has the benefit of keeping the configuration where (I believe) it belongs - in the web server - while providing a sane fallback in the shape of the middleware, in case people don't want to jump through that extra configuration hoop for their web server for whatever reason.

I'm not convinced that this fits in rails core though - perhaps this kind of functionality would be suited to an a subsidiary gem.

How does this sound?

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@mjtko adding web server redirect directives feels like we're popping up the stack a little too far. Seems like there are a couple issues with doing that:

  1. My deployment user may not have permission to edit the web server configuration files at deployment time
  2. The web server might need to be restarted to pick up the changes (or at very least have its configuration reloaded), which could cause some downtime (granted, probably only seconds, but it impacts the idea of deploying under load)
  3. If I had hundreds of files I needed to do this with, that could make for a pretty long web server config file. Not sure the impact of that, other than feeling wrong.

It also "feels" complex.

Some alternative ideas:

  1. Change config.assets.digest to take one of :none, :digest, or :both - the first two would correspond to the current false/true options, and the last one would mean assets would be compiled/copied both with and without digests. I realize this copies a lot of files around, but I like this idea the best from the perspective of keeping things simple.
  2. Create symlinks to link from non-digest to digest assets. Somewhat platform-dependent (e.g. problematic on windows).
  3. Have an array to define which assets should additionally be copied without digests; something like config.assets.no_digest += ['logo.png', 'theme/*.png']. Feels kinda kludgy.

I should add that the way 3.1.1 stands at the moment, it's going to break for people using, say, jquery-ui themes, in that their theme-specific images are not going to load with the rails default settings, unless they put the theme into the public directory.

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Just want to make sure @spastorino is aware that 3.1.1 will break lots of vendor-ish stuff like jquery-ui themes and such, unless they are put in public (which isn't what the asset pipeline implies you should do) - see end of preceding comment above.

(hope this is ok to put here - not sure how we are supposed to ping about a possible 3.1.1 issue before it's released)

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mjtko commented Sep 15, 2011

@greinacker Sure, I understand where you're coming from with your objections. Let me just take them in order with responses: :)

  1. the web server configuration could be Include'd (in apache speak, i'm sure nginx has a similar capability) from a file within the rails app.
  2. agree here, though if HA is needed, HA should be dealt with somehow else. :)
  3. hundreds of files feels like an edge case where a different approach should certainly be taken. :)

I agree that it's more complex than the approach of copying/duplicating files, though I feel it's more elegant.

To the alternatives!

  1. copying is simple but wasteful IMHO; also breaks cache busting
  2. symlinking also breaks the possibility of cache busting
  3. yup, this feels a bit kludgy indeed

I do like the middleware approach, but I think for 'proper' avoid-the-stack operations (while still retaining cache busting) the only option is to configure the web server to understand the mapping to the digested assets somehow.

Cache busting could be ignored ofc - but isn't this the primary point of using digests in the first place? :-)

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@mjtko well...

Re HA: we're not really talking about HA, we're talking about seamless deployments. As one who deploys multiple times throughout the day, the ability to deploy and update throughout the day without users ever really knowing about it, and without having to have load balancer scripts to rotate machines in and out during deployment, is worth a lot. I'd trade a lot of disk space for duplicate files to keep this feature. I guess my thought is this works great now, and breaking this for the sake of elegance might not be worth it.

Re copying files being wasteful - well, you're right. However, if I think about the resources I have to trade off, disk space is one of the cheapest.

You know, I had another idea:

  1. Perhaps each directory in the assets trees could have an optional manifest sort of file, which could list the requirements for the assets in that directory. By default, everything would work like it does now. But if one of more of these manifest files exist, they are processed as well. They could say things like

"this directory's logo.png file should be copied to public/assets without a digest"


"everything in this directory should be copied to public/assets without a digest"

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This works for you?

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mjtko commented Sep 15, 2011

@greinacker TBH I'm more concerned about the cache busting issues, but, again, I see your point.

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mjtko commented Sep 15, 2011

@guilleiguaran as commented, that's a great if you don't mind hitting the application stack rather than have your web server deal with serving non-digested assets. :)

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@guilleiguaran nice work getting that done so quickly! I agree with @mjtko that if you don't mind your application stack handling the request, this is perfect. And, using this gets us to a better state than we were in with 3.1.0, since it uses a redirect rather than falling back to the pipeline and compiling.

Now if only we could all agree on how to do it from the web server. ;-)

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@greinacker thank to @sikachu, he is the author :)

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sikachu commented Sep 16, 2011

Yeah, as long as you don't mind a request hitting your application server, middleware solution is fine.

For me, I'm deploying to Heroku so middleware is the solution. I don't have another layer of web server such as nginx, apache to look that up for me.

I think the best solution here is actually somehow make the rewrite rule from the manifest file. I don't know if it's possible to reload those rewrite rules on-the-fly or not, but if it is possible that might be the best solution for a apache/nginx user.

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is a good question, is possible reload rewrite rules on-the-fly?

I personally use this simple Rack app (yes, hitting the framework) in a personal project (probably it has bugs):

class StaticAssets
  def call(env)
    digested_file = Rails.application.config.assets.digests[env['PATH_INFO'][1..-1]]
    filename = File.join(Rails.public_path, Rails.application.config.assets.prefix, digested_file)
    content =
    [200, {'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache; max-age=0', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache'}, []]
    raise"No route matches #{env['PATH_INFO']}")

Rails.application.routes.prepend do
  mount => Rails.application.config.assets.prefix

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mjtko commented Sep 16, 2011

Researching a bit I can see that it's definitely possible for rewrite rules to be loaded on the fly by Apache. Not yet certain about nginx.

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@sikachu just wanted to say nice job on the redirector - worked with it a bit yesterday with 3.1.1rc1, worked exactly as expected.

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sikachu commented Sep 16, 2011

@greinacker thanks :)

Sad news about nginx though:,5230,124257#msg-124257

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mjtko commented Sep 16, 2011

Ok, so to (partially) clarify, with Apache, you can use a RewriteMap directive to allow 'dynamically updatable' RewriteRule rules to be used.

As for nginx, it looks to me that it is possible to reload the configuration without interruption to service, though you can't dynamically update rewrites without interfering with the server process at all...

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@mjtko @greinacker are you guys happy with the current rc2 status?

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@spastorino I'm good - the way this works in rc2 works for me, and in general rc2 feels pretty solid.

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mjtko commented Oct 3, 2011

@spastorino The sprockets app mounting behaviour seems good. Personally, I'm not too happy about having duplicate files in my assets compilation output but perhaps that's just me. I'll roll my own task without the duplication (I have no need for it!) and then everybody is happy.

Perhaps making the non-digested assets optional would be a good plan, but this can wait for 3.1.2. :)

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agree, I don't need the duplication, if you want I can add the code for it (with an option or using an ENV var). I can do it in 3.1.2 if you don't want to have another rc before the 3.1.1 release :)

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mjtko commented Oct 3, 2011

Well, aren't we going to end up with another rc for some of the changes since rc2 anyway? :) (eg. 258fe7d which REALLY needs to be in 3.1.1 imho :-))

Of course, I'd love for 3.1.1 to be released sooner rather than later. I don't really consider the duplication of files to be a blocking issue - it's not like it's going to cause breakage, it's just unnecessary in a number of common use cases.

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mjtko commented Oct 3, 2011

Gah, also, just found #3198. Down to you core guys to decide if that's a blocker or not. :-/

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