Spring security with database credentials, Apache Lucene API for indexing and searching.
The steps for the creation of this project are very simple
- First, you need to have java(1.7), mysql, maven installed in your system.
- There is a .sql file in the src/main/resources folder. It should be imported to the required table in the mysql database, and the datasource bean should be updated with corresponding credentials. (for spring security)
- Create a maven webapp project.
- In the pom.xml file, add dependencies for the spring, spring webmvc, spring content, spring security web, spring security config etc
- Add the spring security related filters for all url pattern in the web.xml file, along with the dispatcher servlet configuration
- In the dispatcher servlet configuration file(dispatcher-servlet.xml), set the component scan tag to search for the annotation driven controllers, also set the viewResolver
- Add the spring-security.xml file for spring security to consume, set http autoconfig to true along with the pattern of url to intercept, and the ROLE required
- Add the authentication manager as well, (for this particular project, the authentication manager is hard coded)
- Add the maven plugin jetty as well, if you want to run your project locally for debugging(pom.xml)
- Run your application with goal (jetty:run)
. The Lucene version 3.0 is used. . For Spring to load all the files associated with it, you have to list them all in the web.xml file under following tag
<!-- Spring context files to be loaded -->