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A quick truffle based DApp to showcase standard ERC20 token creation and crowd sale.

Getting Started

Download or clone the repo to your local machine. Check for any missing dependencies.


Install Truffle-Framework.

npm install -g truffle

Get your access token from INFURA. Configure the tokwn in Truffle.js file.

Install MetaMask in chrome and create few accounts preferably by connecting to Ropsten test network.

Use the generated mnemonic in your MetaMask to configure your Truffle.js file.

Install the truffle-hdwallet-provider.

npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider


Open your terminal and start the local test network.


Above command will give you few test accounts preloaded with ethers. Use those accounts to deploy and communicate with your contracts.

From your DApp folder location, compile and migrate your contracts to your ganache test network.

truffle.cmd compile
truffle.cmd migrate --network development

Use Remix and MetaMask to communicate with your contracts. Described in next section.


To deploy this application to ropsten test network, try below commands. Make sure you have INFURA access token and MetaMask mnemonic is confifured in Truiffle.js file.

To compile your contracts.

truffle.cmd compile

To deploy in test network. --reset only if you are redeploying the contracts.

truffle.cmd migrate --network ropsten --reset


Use Remix along with MetaMask to test your DApp.

Select Injected Web3 as environment under Run configuration. Provide your contract creation addres in At Address field to communicate with your deployed contract. It will populate all your contract methods and public variables.

Start with OreoCoin contract. Transfer few OreoCoins to CrowdSale contract address using Transfer function. If configured correctly, MetaMask will automatically inject the web3 provider so that for every Transaction it will ask your approval.

After successful OreoCoins transfer to your CrowdSale contract, start playing with your CrowdSale contract. Use MetaMask to donate few ethers to your CrowdSale contract address. Use safeTransfer function to transfer ethers back to your account after the crowd sale ends.

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
