- install nodejs and npm (versions >=v0.10.* and >=1.4.* respectively https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node)
- In the repo folder, 'npm install' to install dependencies
- Setup the database (See "Database Setup")
- start the server with "node app.js". For info about the web-framework: http://expressjs.com/4x/api.html.
- install mongodb: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads (tested with v2.4.6, but should work with higher)
- start 'mongod' as a background process: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongod/ (the daemon should be running when the server is started)
- The codebase follows the javascript standard style. It's nice to catch those style errors early:
- For faster dev using node, I use 'nodemon --ignore public/ app.js' (http://nodemon.io/)