Kazoup Platform is build on go-micro library which simplifies developing RPC micro services..
Docker images for this services are stored and publicly available at DockerHub
This will trun all tests
This will build all platform
Deploy images to DockerHub
Update you hosts file (/etc/hosts on UNIX-like OS) Add following line to resolve those names to localhost: web.kazoup.io elasticsearch app.kazoup.io nats tika redis kibana
Run platform and dependencies with docker compose. In platform directory there are two YML files, services.yml and platform.yml
cd /$GOPATH/src/github.com/kazoup/platform docker-compose -f services.yml up
When stoping services, registry container gets an unhealthy state. Remove all data from registry container and restart it (Just registry or all containers all together) When removing elasticsearch container, all data will be lost, so be sure to execute step 3 every time elasticsearch is wiped out.
docker-compose -f services.yml rm registry
Elasticsearch is running now and should be accesible on localhost:9200, but we need to apply Kazoup settings and mappings.
./scripts/es_system/sysctl.sh ./scripts/es_init.sh
Run the Kazoup platform microservices:
docker-compose -f platform.yml up
Serve frontend SPA:
cd /$GOPATH/src/github.com/kazoup/platform/ui/polymer polymer serve
Check platform status on the browser and app
https://localhost:8082/ https://localhost:8082/registry http://localhost:8080
Kazoup source code is ussually not compiled when running the development environment, (have a look on platform.yml) That's why it is recommendable to build the service you are working on or whole platform before running it.
go build ./...
Before pushing
go test ./...
When updating protocol buffers, regenate them by
cd /$GOPATH/src/github.com/kazoup/platform/SERVICE_NAME/
make protoc