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Repository files navigation

DEMO Express API

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

Install nodemon globally. npm install nodemon -g

npm install to dowload all the dependencies

npm start will start server on http://localhost:8000

Usage in Development

npm start - Node server start on http://localhost:8000
npm run lint - Eslint Execution
npm run test - Unit Test
npm run test:coverage - Unit Test with Coverage
npm run test:integration - APIs Integration Test Only
npm run test:integration:coverage - Integration Test Coverage
npm run test:lint - Eslint Execution for Specs

APIs Available

  1. GET - /api/reporters
  2. GET - /api/reporters/:id
  3. GET - /api/reporters/:id/filter?fromDate=20150122&endDate=20150415

Request Header to access APIs

Content-Type: application/json
x-brand: 'demo-api'
x-correlation-id: 8eae5674a4e853ced2413bf4b8eae5ew
