This is a simple Android app to count stones and points for Jugger.
The original app is developed by Cristian Cañadas Vacas.
Here is the PlayStore link of the original version:
and the GitHub link:
Here is the PlayStore link of my adapted version:
I made some changes and fixes to the original app.
Here is a list of some changes:
- home
- stones are 0 on app launch (caused crashes)
- infinity is infinity (stopped after 9999 stones)
- team names have default values (was empty)
- team colors are changeable (new feature!)
- show current mode (new feature!)
- added icons to ActionBar for easier access (improvement!)
- improved short and long clicks (improvement and new feature!)
- settings
- custom game mode (new feature!)
- custom interval (new feature!)
- count backwards (new feature!)
- immediate start (after pressing play) (new feature!)
- play gong after point (new feature!)
- added sounds and optimized included sounds (improvement!)
- 'Others' section improved (improvement!)
- ...