This library aims to provide a parser generator functionality of PEG.js but in a way where your constructed grammar is a parser itself instead of generating some human unreadable code. Like with jQuery you can query HTML DOM elements, with PEQ provided matchers you can query a string and transform it to any other data structure.
npm i peq
const {grammar, one, oneOf, all, any, not, optional, oneOrMore} = require("peq");
console.log(all([`"`, {name: 'text', matcher: any(/[a-z]/) }, `"`], (all, {text}) => text.join(''))(`"asd"`));
// ^ this will output ['asd', '']
As there's still no more documentation yet, please check examples folder
- Setup CI
- Add examples in code
- Add simple usage documentation
- Research if there's any missing quantifiers
- Add more human readable CS theory to documentation
- Try more grammars
- Convert code to TypeScript
Just open a ticket in Github
This work is licensed under Apache 2.0 open source license.