Twitter streaming API client
- API compliant with ntwitter
ntwitter is a great Twitter client, does a whole log of things, but hasn't seen updates in nearly a year and their streaming API implementation is very limited.
tstream goes a step further and let's you listen to a lot more events
Almost all the message types listed here are fired as events
eg. disconnect
Twitter will pass this message in the HTTP stream
"code": 4,
"stream_name":"< A stream identifier >",
"reason":"< Human readable status message >"
You can listen to it in your code as follows
stream.on("disconnect", function(data){});
data will contain what Twitter sent as the "disconnect" object
Stall warnings is another useful one, listen to a "warning" event
If you are dealing with user streams, listen to a "user-event" to be notified about all the events listed here
var TStream = require('tstream'),
config = require('./config.js');
var tstream = new TStream(config.twitter);'statuses/filter', {'track': ['what']}, function(stream) {
stream.on('data', function(tweet) {
stream.on('error', function(error) {
console.log('stream error - ' + error.message);
// will be fired when the Twitter streams sends a stall_warning
stream.on('warning', function (data) {
console.log('Twitter stream warning - ' + data);
// will be fired when the stream is being disconneced by Twitter
stream.on('disconnect', function (data) {
console.log('Twitter stream disconnected - ' + data);
stream.on('end', function() {
console.log('stream ended');
Pass an object that contains "consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "access_token_key", "access_token_secret" to the TStream constructor. The example code above assumes there is a file in the same directory, called config.js that exports a config object that has a twitter key which again is an object that contains the credentials (access_token etc)
- TODO: write better docs