MetaCred is a product designed to allow developers and end users with a 0 balance of any crypto currency to participate in the budding ethereum ecosystem.
- MetaCred Dapp Frontend - React Web Application for interfacing with MetaCred Smart contracts and services - built with ethers-react-system
- MetaCred Smart Contracts - Core Solidity smart contracts of the MetaCred product
- MiniDAO Example Smart Contracts - an example dapp to demostrate how a Dapp developer team would interact with the system
- Relayer Service - AWS lambda microservice for representing a relay pool in our use case
- MetaTransaction Approver Service - AWS lambda microservice for Dapp Developers to sign their approval of a metatransacaction for their dapp
- Example Dapp: MiniDAO - Simplistic Example Dapp featuring seemless metacredit metatransactions
We want to create meaningful "on-ramps" into the ethereum ecosystem for developers with limited or no access to cryptocurrency. Our system is designed to allow these developers and their potential end users to be able to interact with the ethereum blockchain in a real and meaningful way (layer 1 transactions) without ever needing to own a single wei. The gas for their transactions will be payed by beneficiaries who are interested in growing the ecosystem and being charitable while feeling secure in (coded) guarentees as to how their funds would be spent by the benefactor.