"Token-curated registries are decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list's contents judiciously" - Mike Goldin
TCRs use an intrinsic token to incentivize a community to curate and reach decentralized consensus on a Registry of high-quality entries
The vision of this project is to build a registry-agnostic, highly-configurable, client-side user interface to interact and transact with Ethereum TCRs
Token-Curated Registry 1.1, 2.0
Continuous Token-Curated Registries: The Infinity of Lists
City Walls & Bo-Taoshi: Exploring the Power of Token-Curated Registries
ganache-cli - http://localhost:8545
$ npm install -g ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli
(some flags)
--port: 8545
-v: verbose debugging
-b: auto-mine blocks (seconds)
-i: network id
--db persistent local storage
Start development server: http://localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
Clone contracts
$ git clone git@github.com:kangarang/tcr.git
$ cd tcr
$ npm install
Build JSON ABI artifacts
(Note: only have to run once. While ganache-cli is running)
$ npm run compile
Deploy contracts to local RPC
$ npm run deploy-test
Deploy contracts to Rinkeby Test Network
$ npm run deploy-rinkeby
Deploy contracts to Main Network
$ npm run deploy-mainnet
Deploy UI to elastic beanstalk (ask for credentials)
$ eb deploy
UI Components
.approve(address _spender, uint _value)
.transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value)
.transfer(address _to, uint _value)
.balanceOf(address _owner) -> BN
.allowance(address _owner, address _spender) -> BN
// registry-related
.apply(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount, string _data)
.challenge(bytes32 _listingHash, string _data)
.deposit(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount)
.withdraw(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount)
.exit(bytes32 _listingHash)
.updateStatus(bytes32 _listingHash)
// token-related
.claimVoterReward(uint _challengeID, uint _salt)
// registry-related
.appWasMade(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Boolean
.canBeWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Boolean
.isWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Boolean
.isExpired(uint _termDate) -> Boolean
.listings(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Listing struct (Array)
// token-related
.challengeWinnerReward(uint _challengeID) -> BN
.voterCanClaimReward(uint _challengeID, address _address) -> Boolean
// voting-related
.challenges(uint _challengeID) -> Challenge struct (Array)
.challengeExists(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Boolean
.challengeCanBeResolved(bytes32 _listingHash) -> Boolean
.voterReward(address _address, uint _challengeID, uint _salt)
// token-related
.requestVotingRights(uint _numTokens)
.withdrawVotingRights(uint _numTokens)
.rescueTokens(uint _pollID)
// voting-related
.commitVote(uint _pollID, bytes32 _secretHash, uint _numTokens, uint _prevPollID)
.revealVote(uint _pollID, uint _voteOption, uint _salt)
.startPoll(uint _voteQuorum, uint _commitDuration, uint _revealDuration)
// token-related
.getLockedTokens(address _voter) -> BN
.getInsertPointForNumTokens(address _address, uint _numTokens) -> BN
.getNumPassingTokens(address _address, uint _pollID, uint _salt) -> BN
.getNumTokens(address _voter, uint _pollID) -> BN
.getTotalNumberOfTokensForWinningOption(uint _pollID) -> BN
.voteTokenBalance(address _voter) -> BN
// voting-related
.hasBeenRevealed(address _voter, uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.commitPeriodActive(address uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.revealPeriodActive(uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.isExpired(uint _terminationDate) -> Boolean
.isPassed(uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.pollEnded(uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.pollExists(uint _pollID) -> Boolean
.getCommitHash(address _voter, uint _pollID) -> bytes32
.pollMap(uint _pollID) -> Poll struct (Array)
.getLastNode(address _voter) -> BN
.validPosition(uint _prevID, uint _nextID, address _address, uint _numTokens) -> Boolean
.attrUUID(address _user, uint _pollID) -> bytes32
.proposals(uint _pollID) -> Poll struct (indended data change)
.challenges(uint _challengeID) -> Challenge struct
Particular events effectively signal changes in state. The following events are organized by the effects they have on state changes.
_Application(bytes32 listingHash, uint deposit, string data)
-> new Listing in Application stage
_Challenge(bytes32 listingHash, uint deposit, uint pollID, string data)
-> change from Application stage -> Voting stage
_ChallengeFailed(uint challengeID)
_NewListingWhitelisted(bytes32 listingHash)
-> change from Application -or- Voting stage -> Registry stage
_ChallengeSucceeded(uint challengeID)
_ApplicationRemoved(bytes32 listingHash)
_ListingRemoved(bytes32 listingHash)
-> delete Listing
_RewardClaimed(address voter, uint challengeID, uint reward)
_Deposit(bytes32 listingHash, uint added, uint newTotal)
_Withdrawal(bytes32 listingHash, uint withdrew, uint newTotal)
-> ETH/TOKEN-related
PollCreated(uint voteQuorum, uint commitDuration, uint revealDuration, uint pollID)
-> new voting_item (comes with _Challenge)
VoteCommitted(address voter, uint pollID, uint numTokens)
-> change voting_item
VoteRevealed(address voter, uint pollID, uint numTokens, uint choice)
-> change voting_item
VotingRightsGranted(address voter, uint numTokens)
VotingRightsWithdrawn(address voter, uint numTokens)
-> ETH/TOKEN-related
Each Listing
starts out in the Application stage.
- The owner of the
is called the "Applicant" - Tokens sent by Applicant are called
(canonical parameter)- The Applicant is allowed to increase the
If challenged, a Listing
moves into the Voting stage.
- The msg.sender of the challenge is called the "Challenger"
- Tokens obtained from Challenger are called
(canonical parameter)
The Voting stage consists of 2 sub-periods: Commit and Reveal
- Voting can also be called Faceoff
- Participants voting with tokens are called "Voters"
- Tokens used for voting are called
- Tokens are locked during the
- Once the
has ended and thereveal_period
has begun, a Voter can "reveal" his secret vote to unveil the contents
If the majority of votes is FOR the Applicant's Listing
, the Listing
enters the Registry stage.
- Applicant's
stays with theListing
- Challenger forfeits full
- Applicant receieves
of the Challenger's forfeitedchallenge_stake
- Voters in the
are awarded the remaining tokens of the Challenger's forfeitedchallenge_stake
, disbursed based on token-vote weight - Voters in the
are allowed to retreivevoting_rights
If the majority of votes is AGAINST the Listing
, the Listing
is removed from the system.
- Challenger receives full
- Applicant forfeits
and receivesapplication_deposit
(extra tokens) - Tokens that are to be forfeited by the Applicant are called
(equal tomin_deposit
) - Challenger receieves
of the Applicant's forfeitedapplication_stake
- Voters in the
, those who voted AGAINST the Applicant, are awarded the remaining tokens from the Applicant's forfeitedapplication_stake
, disbursed based on token-vote weight - Voters in the
are allowed to retreive tokens rights
These workflow diagrams were created by our wonderful designer, Eva Shon.
This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Kang. For more information see LICENSE