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Wiremock metrics

Wiremock extension that expose jvm and wiremock requests metrics in prometheus format.


There are following metrics:

  • JVM metrics with jvm_ prefix. For example jvm_buffer_memory_used_bytes{id="direct",} 16384.0
  • System metrics with system_ and process_ prefixes. For example system_cpu_usage 0.1 and process_cpu_usage 0.3333333333333333
  • Wiremock requests metrics with wiremock_ prefix. For example wiremock_request_totalTime_ms{method="GET",path="/test",status="200",quantile="0.99",} 432.0

Wiremock requests metrics

  • wiremock_request_totalTime_ms
  • wiremock_request_processingTime_ms
  • wiremock_request_serveTime_ms
  • wiremock_request_responseSendTime_ms



Add dependency to your project


Add MetricsEndpointExtension and PrometheusMetricsExtension to your wiremock configuration, for example:

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.WireMockServer;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.core.WireMockConfiguration;
import com.rasklaad.wiremock.metrics.MetricsEndpointExtension;
import com.rasklaad.wiremock.metrics.PrometheusMetricsExtension;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WireMockServer server = new WireMockServer(
                        .extensions(new PrometheusMetricsExtension(), new MetricsEndpointExtension())


By default all requests will be registered using path with query params. For example two requests /hello?name=John and /hello?name=Jane requests will be registered as two different requests.
There are various configuration parameters for changing this behaviour:

// /hello?name=John and /hello?name=Jane requests will be registered as one request
MetricsConfiguration metricsConfiguration = PrometheusMetricsExtension.options()

WireMockServer server = new WireMockServer(
    .extensions(new PrometheusMetricsExtension(), new MetricsEndpointExtension(metricsConfiguration))
 * wiremock stub url pattern: WireMock.urlMatching("/some-test.+")
 * request: GET /some-test?queryParam=true&anotherParam=123
 * metric will be registered as:
 * wiremock_request_totalTime_ms_count{method=GET,path="/some-test.+",status=200,} 1.0
MetricsConfiguration metricsConfiguration = PrometheusMetricsExtension.options()

There are more examples in MetricsConfigurationTest class.

Standalone process

If you are running wiremock as standalone process, you still can use this extension:

  1. Download metrics extension standalone jar from releases
  2. Place it near your wiremock standalone jar
  3. Run via command line: java -cp './*' com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.standalone.WireMockServerRunner --extensions com.rasklaad.wiremock.metrics.MetricsEndpointExtension,com.rasklaad.wiremock.metrics.PrometheusMetricsExtension (both wiremock jar and extension jar need to be in current folder)


Metrics are available on /__admin/prometheus-metrics endpoint. Configure your prometheus or any prometheus compatible scrapper to scrape this endpoint.