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A threaded async loader for Godot resources. Loads a resource in another thread and then calls your callback(s).

# This is to demonstrate the cache - if the loaded resource is never used,
# Godot won't keep it in cache (which only weak-refs the resources)
var _strong_ref: Resource = null

func _load() -> void:
	print("Load started...")
	GsomLoader.load_async("res://test.tscn", _cb, _stat)

func _cb(res: Resource) -> void:
	_strong_ref = res

func _stat(progress: float, status: ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus) -> void:
	print("Progress %s..." % progress)
	if progress < 0.0:
			"failed" if status == ResourceLoader.THREAD_LOAD_FAILED else "invalid",


This is an autoload singleton, that becomes globally available when you enable the plugin. It holds all the common loader logic and is not tied to any specific UI.


  • float interval [default: 0.1] [property: setter, getter]

Status check interval. This is how often the loading progress is updated for each resource.


  • void load_async(path: String, cb: Callable, stat: Callable = <unknown>) - Loads a new resource outside of main thread. The loaded resource is passed to cb. If the same resource is requested many times, ALL callbacks will be called.

    • func cb(res: Resource) -> void - called when and if the resource is loaded.
    • func stat(progress: float, status: ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus) -> void - optional callback for progress tracking. When complete, progress == 1.0, when errored progress == -1.0. During loading it goes from 0.0 to 1.0.

    Note: Godot cache is WEAK ref, so if you don't store/use the resource it gets uncached!

  • void reload_async(path: String, cb: Callable, stat: Callable = <unknown>) - Reloads the resource disregarding cache if any. The loaded resource is passed to cb. If the same resource is requested many times, EACH request will reload again separately.

    • func cb(res: Resource) -> void - called when and if the resource is loaded.
    • func stat(progress: float, status: ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus) -> void - optional callback for progress tracking. When complete, progress == 1.0, when errored progress == -1.0. During loading it goes from 0.0 to 1.0.