A web application that connects Nashville's Women Technologists with young women in high school and college.
###Public Facing URL http://e-mentor.herokuapp.com/
###Quick MVP Design Points:
- Mentee will register and create a profile
- Mentor will register and create profile
- Mentor has option to sign in with LinkedIn
- Mentees will be able to filter mentor list
- Mentees will initiate contact with Mentors by requesting a mentor
- Mentors can accept or decline a mentee request
- Mentors must give a reason for declining a request
- Mentors when accepting requests will need to assign an end date of the mentorship
- All communication will be driven by email (masking?) on our first iteration.
###The /doc file has resources for you
During the hackathon the livesite will be published to: http://e-mentor.herokuapp.com/ ###Installing Ruby 2.1.1 & postgreSQL locally (Assumes you are using RVM & Homebrew)
rvm list
to make sure ruby 2.1.1 is installed and in use. -
brew update
thenbrew doctor
install postgresql
brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
to create a database -
install lunchy
gem install lunchy
lunchy start postgres
###Directions to get started with project files
- fork this repository - https://github.com/rawerner/hacknashville
- clone your fork locally and make feature branches to work off of
- follow these instructions to set your repository to sync with the upstream (rawerner's) repository
- run
bundle update
thenbundle install
- run
rails server
- run
bin/rake db:create db:migrate
- view localhost:3000 in your browser
###Working on a feature for the project?
- update your remote repository from upstream How to?
- update your local code
git pull origin master
- Create a branch to work on named after your feature.
git checkout -b branchname
- code code code your little heart out
###Ready to merge your feature code into the main repo?
Commit and push your feature branch to your remote fork on github and create a pull request
###Running The Application
$ git clone <your fork>
$ bundle install
$ ruby app.rb
###Compiling The Assets
$ bundle exec guard
###Running Spork and Guard with RSPEC bundle install the gems & intialize guard
$ guard init spork
$ guard init rspec
run in a separate terminal window
$ bundle exec guard
###Add LinkedIn/OAuth2 Gem Install the linkedin-oauth2 gem
$ gem install linkedin-oauth2