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A December of Algorithms is a small collection of algorithms to implement this December. Finish it all to get a certificate. πŸŽ„


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Welcome to A December of Algorithms 2023.

After overwhelming responses from previous years, we present you with a new collection of algorithms to implement this December.

Each Day, Each Algorithm ;)

Finish them all to get a certificate :)

Send a pull request only after completing all 31 algorithms.

Please submit all PRs on or before January 15th 11:59 PM IST.

What Do I Do?

We have a small collection of algorithms, one for every day of the month. Scroll down to take a look at them.

All you need to do is fork this repository, implement all 31 algorithms and send a pull request over to us.

Check out our FAQ for more information.



December 1 - Cricmetric

Problem Statement

In a cricket match, each batsman has a unique identifier, and their corresponding runs scored are stored in an array. Your task is to analyze the cricket match data and determine the following:

1. The total runs scored by the team. 
2. The batsman who scored the highest number of runs and their corresponding  unique identifier.

Sample Input/Output

   20 35 40 15 25



     There are five batsmen in the match. Their runs are 20, 35, 40, 15, and 25. The total  runs scored by the team are 135. Batsman number 3 (index 2) scored the highest  number of runs, which is 40. 
   10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 


     There are ten batsmen in the match. Their runs are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,  90, and 100. The total runs scored by the team are 550. Batsman number 10 (index  9) scored the highest number of runs, which is 100. 

December 2 - Shopper's Choice

Problem Statement

In a retail store, the management wants to analyze customer purchase data to gain insights into the popularity of various products. They have a dataset representing customer purchases, where each entry corresponds to the product ID of the item bought. Given an array of product IDs, develop a program to generate the frequency of each product as an output array. The frequency represents how often each product has been purchased.

Sample Input/Output

 Input 1 
 Output 1 


 Frequency of 2: 3 
 Frequency of 3: 1 
 Frequency of 4: 2 
 Frequency of 5: 1 
 Frequency of 6: 2 
 Frequency of 7: 1

 Input 2
 Output 2


 Frequency of 25: 3 
 Frequency of 28: 2 
 Frequency of 33: 1 
 Frequency of 27: 1 
 Frequency of 31: 1 


December 3 - Sunburnt

Problem Statement

In the city of Codeville, a skyline of buildings awaits the morning sun. Given an array 'H' representing their heights, design a function to count buildings that will see the sunrise from the side where the array begins. A building enjoys the sunrise if there are no taller buildings blocking its view. Determine how many buildings get to greet the day with the warmth of the first rays of sunlight.

Note: Height of building should be strictly greater than height of buildings in left in order to see the sun.

Sample Input/Output

 Input 1 
 N = 4
 H[] = {2, 3, 4, 5}

 Output 1 

 Input 2
 N = 5
 H[] = {7, 4, 8, 2, 9}

 Output 2


As 7 is the first element, it can see the sunrise. 4 can't see the sunrise as 7 is hiding it.
8 can see. 2 can't see the sunrise. 9 also can see the sunrise.

December 4 - Mirror Magic

Problem Statement

  • The great God Horus has found a way inside the treasure room, but what stands before him is The God Of Wisdom, The Spinnix. Horus must complete the mystery of The Spinnix name.
  • Clue: It was there when you were born, and shall follow you till death, if any part of the name reflects on mirror and repeats itself (Palindromic), then the answer of the riddle would be β€œthe smallest substring that is palindromic.”
  • If not then Horus shall chant "Error".

Sample Input/Output






 In the string β€œHollow”, the possible palindromic substrings are β€œOllo” and β€œll” out of which the smallest palindromic substring is β€œll”.

December 5 - Peaky Blinders

Problem Statement

  • You are a detective working on a case involving a group of thieves.

  • You have obtained a list of the amounts stolen by each thief during a series of robberies.

  • Your task is to determine the total amount of money stolen by the thieves who stole more than or equal to the average amount stolen by the group.

    Sample Input/Output

         Input: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 
         Output: 120 


         Average amount stolen: 30 
         Elements greater than or equal to the average: 30, 40, 50 
         Sum of elements greater than or equal to the average: 30 + 40 + 50 = 120

    Sample Input/Output

       Input: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25] 
       Output: 60 

December 6 - The Lost Algorithm Scrolls

Problem Statement

Ancient algorithm scrolls containing the most potent coding spells have been scattered. Each scroll is encoded with a unique pattern. You are on a quest to collect the scrolls, decoding their patterns. Write a program that, given a list of encoded words, finds the optimal sequence where each word differs by a single letter, unlocking the ancient scrolls' power.

Sample Input/Output

    Input: ["cat", "cot", "dot", "dog", "cog", "coat", "doll"]
    Output: ["cat", "cot", "dot", "dog", "cog"]


    1. "cat" to "cot":
          Only one letter changes ("a" to "o").
          This adheres to the rule that the words in the chain must differ by exactly one letter.
    2. "cot" to "dot":
          Again, only one letter changes ("c" to "d").
          The chain is still follows the rule of a single-letter difference between consecutive words.
    3. "dot" to "dog":
          Just like before, only one letter changes ("t" to "g").
    4. "dog" to "cog":
          Once more, only one letter changes ("d" to "c").

Sample Input/Output

  Input: ["apple", "orange", "banana", "grape", "peach"]
  Output: No valid chain.

December 7 - Baby Blocks

Problem Statement

Sarah, a toy designer, needs to verify if the rectangular piece fits into the circular hole for her Baby Block Toy design.

Create a function that takes three numbers β€” the width and height of a rectangle, and the radius of a circle β€” and returns true if the rectangle can fit inside the circle, false if it can't.

Sample Input/Output

 Input 1 
 rectangleInCircle(8, 6, 5)

 Output 1 

 Input 2
 rectangleInCircle(5, 9, 5)

 Output 2


If the length of the rectangle’s diagonal is greater than the diameter of the circle then the rectangle won’t fit/pass through. 

December 8 - The Enchanted Forest

Problem Statement

In the mystical land of Pyborg, there lies an enchanted forest guarded by a magical creature. Legend has it that the only way to navigate through the forest is by creating a magical square.The creature is kind but loves patterns, and the magic square must follow a unique rule.

The rule is as follows: 1.The numbers in the square must form an increasing sequence starting from 1. 2.The sum of the numbers in each row, column and both main diagonals must be the same.

Write a function β€˜find_path(n)’ that takes an odd integer β€˜n’ as input and returns a 2D list representing the magic square required to safely traverse the enchanted forest.

Constraints: The input β€˜n’ is an odd integer (3<=n<=15)

Help the brave adventurers in Pyborg to safely navigate the enchanted forest.

Sample Input/Output

Input: 3
 2 7 6
 9 5 1
 4 3 8


It is a 3x3 matrix where (2+7+6 = 2+9+4=15 ) and similarly all rows, diagonals and columns give the same sum as 15

Input: 5
        9    3   22  16  15
        2   21   20  14   8
        25  19   13   7   1
        18  12   6    5   24
        11  10   4   23   17

December 9 - Camels on a String!

Problem Statement

There is a sequence of words in camel case as a string of letters, s, having the following properties:

  • It is a concatenation of one or more words consisting of english letter
  • All letters in the first word are lower case
  • For each subsequent words,the first letter is uppercase and the rest of the letters are lowercase

Determine the number of words in s.


s= β€˜onetwothree’

There are 3 words in the string- ’one’, ’two’, ’three’


The camel case should contain the following parameters(s):
- string s: the string to be analyzed
- int: the number of words in s
- 1<= length of s<= 10^5

Sample Input/Output

Input:  S = SaveChangesInTheEditor

Output: 5


String s contains 5 words:

December 10 - Forgot Password.

Problem Statement

  • In the town of Willow, where everyone's computer password was part of their actual name.One day, a peculiar situation arose.
  • A group of citizens found themselves unable to recall their passwords, but they had a single clue to aid them.
  • By deciphering the clues, help the forgetful citizens to rediscover their passwords

Sample Input/Output

Input:  select substring(empname,4,13) from emp;


Sample Input/Output

 Input:  select substring(empname,2,2) from emp;


- The SQL query SELECT SUBSTRING(empname, 2, 2) FROM emp; retrieves a substring from the "empname" column in the "emp" table for each row.
- The SUBSTRING function is employed, specifying the starting position as the second character and extracting two characters.

December 11 - Coder of Conversions

Problem Statement

  • In Algorithmsville, Digitius and Binarya had a simple request for the Coder of Conversions.

  • They wanted a function that could add them up and show the sum in binary.

  • Without much fuss, the Coder whipped up a quick function.

  • Now, whenever numbers in Algorithmsville wanted to go binary, they just used that handy function. Assume you are the coder and design the function.

Sample Input/Output

Input: (1,1) 
Output: 10


Sum of the Input is 2 whose binary value is 10.     

Sample Input/Output

Input: (51,12) 
Output: 111111


Sum of the Input is 64 whose binary value is 111111.     

December 12 - The Heist

A group of thieves has recently stolen a collection of valuable jewelry from a vault. Among the loot are three boxes. To quickly identify the box containing the gold without arousing suspicion, the thieves decide to employ a binary search algorithm. The goal is to minimize the number of inspections and swiftly pinpoint the box with the gold.

Sample Input/Output

Input:   Box1=[Emerald, Ruby, Gold, Silver]
	  Box2=[Silver, Diamond, Emerald, Copper]
	  Box3=[Ruby, Platinum ,Bronze, Silver]
Output: Box1 Contains the Gold

Input:   Box1=[Emerald, Ruby, Bronze ,Silver]
	  Box2=[Gold, Diamond, Ruby, Copper]
	  Box3=[Ruby, Platinum, Bronze, Silver]
Output: Box2 Contains the Gold


Input: Box2: [Gold, Diamond, Ruby, Copper]
The Binary Search is done with the search element as Gold 
The Box containing Gold is Box 2.

December 13 - Call Cipher

Holmes and Watson are racing against time on a mission to decipher the encoded phone numbers of the killer's next victims. With just one clue in hand, they urgently need a program to convert these letter-encoded numbers into their numerical form, all to swiftly warn and save the potential targets.

Sample Input/Output

textToNum("123-647-EYES") ➞ "123-647-3937"
textToNum("(325)444-TEST") ➞ "(325)444-8378"
textToNum("653-TRY-THIS") ➞ "653-879-8447"
textToNum("435-224-7613") ➞ "435-224-7613"


Given an encoded phone number like "1-800-HOLMES" as input, the program needs to convert it to its numerical form, such as "1-800-465637." The output should represent the same phone number with letters replaced by their corresponding digits.


Who can join the Challenge?

Anyone who is passionate about coding and can dedicate a little time a day for the challenge for the next 31 days.

When should I submit the pull request?

You don't need to submit it everyday. Just submit it once you're done with all 31 algorithms.

What if I'm not able to code every day?

Not a problem. While coding every day is nice, we understand that other commitments might interfere with it.

Plus its holiday season. So you don't have to solve one problem every day.

Go at your own pace. One per day or 7 a week or even all 30 in a day.

What language should I use to code?

Anything! New to GoLang? Best way to practice it.

Wanna find out what all this hype about Python is? Use it!

Any and all languages are welcome.

Maybe you could try using a different language for every problem as a mini-challenge?

Fork? Pull request? What is all that? I don't know how to use GitHub!

If you are new to Git or GitHub, check out this out GitHub

Where are the rest of the problems?

Our code ninjas are hard at work preparing the rest of the problems. Don't worry, they'll be up soon.

How should I complete these programs?

We have a folder for each day of the month. Simply complete your code and move the file into that folder.

Be sure to rename your file to the following format: language_username or language_username_problemname Some examples: c_exampleUser.c

Please do not modify any existing files in the repository.

I forked the repository but some problems were added only after that. How do I access those problems?

Not to worry! Open your nearest terminal or command prompt and navigate over to your forked repository.

Enter these commands:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

If you're curious, the commands simply add a new remote called upstream that is linked to this repository. Then it 'fetches' or retrieves the contents of the repository and attempts to merge it with your progress. Note that if you've already added the upstream repository, you don't need to re-add it in the future while fetching the newer questions.

I received a merge error. What do I do?

This shouldn't happen unless you modify an existing file in the repository. There's a lot of potential troubleshooting that might be needed, but the simplest thing to do is to make a copy of your code outside the repository and then clone it once again. Now repeat the steps from the answer above. Merge it and then add your code. Now proceed as usual. :)

I'm facing difficulties with/need help understanding a particular question.

Open up an issue on this repository and we'll do our best to help you out.



A December of Algorithms is a small collection of algorithms to implement this December. Finish it all to get a certificate. πŸŽ„







No releases published


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  • C++ 76.9%
  • C 23.1%