A collection of awesome things related to Rax
The fastest way to build universal application.
- Rax official Hooks introduce
- Rax Hooks - Contains rax hooks that are used very frequently.
- Rax Hooks 原理
- 前端架构杂思录:议 Function Component 与 Hooks
- rax-scripts
- Rax Developer Tools
- eslint-config-rax
- rax-hot-loader
- babel-plugin-transform-rax-jsx-class
- server-side-rendering-comparison
- story book - UI component dev & test
- VS Code Extensions - Get better development experience.
- rax-components - univeral base components
- rax-map - universal map component
- rax-multirow - universal multi column layout component
- 记一个复杂组件(Filter)的从设计到开发
- jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing Framework
- rax-test-renderer - Rax renderer for snapshot testing
appear-polyfill - the web polyfill for appear and disAppear
rax-children - Get the Children node
rax-is-valid-element - Verify that the object is a Rax element
rax-clone-element - Clone and return new Rax elements
rax-create-factory - Returns a function used to generate a Rax element of the specified type
rax-create-portal - Render child elements to DOM nodes other than the DOM component hierarchy
rax-find-dom-node - Get the real DOM nodes
rax-unmount-component-at-node - Remove loaded Rax components from DOM
rax-set-native-props - Change the properties of the native component
Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
- rax-redux - Official Rax bindings for Redux
Simple, scalable state management for JavaScript Apps
- mobx-rax - Rax component wrapper for combining Rax with MobX
- DataFormsJS JSX Loader - Rax hosted from a CDN and compiled in a browser using DataFormsJS
. Hello World Animation Demo. GitHub上的文档