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Tcl extension and TDBC driver for CUBRID database


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CUBRID is an open source SQL-based relational database management system with object extensions developed by Naver Corporation for web applications.

CUBRID is an object-relational database management system (DBMS) consisting of the database server, the broker, and the CUBRID Manager.

  • As the core component of the CUBRID database management system, the database server stores and manages data in multi-threaded client/server architecture.
  • The broker is a CUBRID-specific middleware that relays the communication between the database server and external applications.
  • The CUBRID Manager is a GUI tool that allows users to remotely manage the database and the broker.

tclcubrid is a Tcl extension by using CUBRID CCI (CCI Client Interface) driver to connect CUBRID. CUBRID CCI driver is connected through the CUBRID broker. I write this extension to research CUBRID and CCI (CCI Client Interface) driver.

Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC) is a common interface for Tcl programs to access SQL databases. Tclcubrid's TDBC interface (tdbc::cubrid) is based on tclcubrid extension. I write Tclcubrid's TDBC interface to study TDBC interface.

This extension is using Tcl_LoadFile to load CCI (CCI Client Interface) driver. Before using this extension, please setup libcascci path environment variable. Below is an example on Windows platform:


Below is an example on Linux platform to setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

export CUBRID=/home/danilo/Programs/CUBRID

This extension needs Tcl 8.6.

Related Extension

Tcl users can use TDBC-ODBC bridge via CUBRID ODBC driver to connect CUBRID database.

Or you can try my other project TDBCJDBC via CUBRID JDBC driver to connect CUBRID database.


CUBRID has a separate license for its server engine and its interfaces. The server engine adopts the GPL v2.0 or later license, which allows distribution, modification, and acquisition of the source code. CUBRID APIs and GUI tools have the Berkeley Software Distribution license in which there is no obligation of opening derivative works.

tclcubrid is Licensed under MIT license.


Building under most UNIX systems is easy, just run the configure script and then run make. For more information about the build process, see the tcl/unix/README file in the Tcl src dist. The following minimal example will install the extension in the /opt/tcl directory.

$ cd tclcubrid
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/tcl
$ make
$ make install

If you need setup directory containing tcl configuration (, below is an example:

$ cd tclcubrid
$ ./configure --with-tcl=/opt/activetcl/lib
$ make
$ make install


The recommended method to build extensions under windows is to use the Msys + Mingw build process. This provides a Unix-style build while generating native Windows binaries. Using the Msys + Mingw build tools means that you can use the same configure script as per the Unix build to create a Makefile.

Implement commands

The interface to the CUBRID CCI (CCI Client Interface) driver consists of single tcl command named cubrid. Once a CUBRID database connection is created, it can be controlled using methods of the HANDLE command.

cubrid HANDLE ?-host HOST? ?-port PORT? ?-dbname DBNAME? ?-user username? ?-passwd password? ?-property properties?
HANDLE getAutocommit
HANDLE setAutocommit autocommit
HANDLE getIsolationLevel
HANDLE setIsolationLevel level
HANDLE commit
HANDLE rollback
HANDLE prepare SQL_String
HANDLE server_version
HANDLE row_count
HANDLE last_insert_id
HANDLE close
STMT_HANDLE bind index type value
STMT_HANDLE cursor offset pos
STMT_HANDLE fetch_row_list
STMT_HANDLE fetch_row_dict
STMT_HANDLE columntype index

cubrid command options are used to make connection to CUBRID. Below is the option default value (if user does not specify):

Option Type Default Additional description
host string localhost
port integer 33000
dbname string demo Just for my environment
user string public
passwd string
property string

The default value of auto-commit mode can be configured by using CCI_DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT which is a broker parameter. If it is omitted, the default value is set to ON. User can use setAutocommit command to switch autocommit mode off.

setIsolationLevel method configures the isolation level. Supported value: readcommitted, repeatableread, serializable

STMT_HANDLE bind type supported value: char, varchar, bit, varbit, numeric, integer, smallint, real, float, double, monetary, date, time, timestamp, timestamptz, timestampltz, bigint, datetime, datetimetz, datetimeltz, clob, blob, set, multiset, sequence, enum, null

(note: In CUBRID database FLOAT and REAL are used interchangeably.)

clob and blob is an experiment function, both has size limitation (now is 1048576 for read/write).

SET is a collection type in which each element has different values. Elements of a SET are allowed to have only one data type. Now only support string data type.

LIST (= SEQUENCE) is a collection type in which the input order of elements is preserved, and duplications are allowed. Elements of a LIST are allowed to have only one data type. Now only support string data type.

STMT_HANDLE cursor pos supported value: FIRST, CURRENT, LAST

TDBC commands

tdbc::cubrid::connection create db host port dbname username password property ?-option value...?

Connection to a CUBRID database is established by invoking tdbc::cubrid::connection create, passing it the name to be used as a connection handle, followed by a host name, port number, dbname, username and password.

The tdbc::cubrid::connection create object command supports the -isolation option. Supported value: readcommitted, repeatableread, serializable.

CUBRID driver for TDBC implements a statement object that represents a SQL statement in a database. Instances of this object are created by executing the prepare or preparecall object command on a database connection.

The prepare object command against the connection accepts arbitrary SQL code to be executed against the database.

The paramtype object command allows the script to specify the type and direction of parameter transmission of a variable in a statement. Now CUBRID driver only specify the type work.

CUBRID driver paramtype accepts below type (follow tclcubrid support type): char, varchar, bit, varbit, numeric, integer, smallint, real, float, double, monetary, date, time, timestamp, timestamptz, timestampltz, bigint, datetime, datetimetz, datetimeltz, clob, blob, set, multiset, sequence, enum, null

The execute object command executes the statement.


I test below examples at version 11.3.0 (1089).

tclcubrid example

Get version

package require cubrid
cubrid db -host localhost -port 33000 -dbname demo -user danilo -passwd danilo
db server_version
db close

List tables -

package require cubrid
cubrid db -host localhost -port 33000 -dbname demo -user danilo -passwd danilo
set stmt [db prepare {show tables}]
$stmt execute

while {[$stmt cursor 1 CURRENT] != 0} {
    puts [$stmt fetch_row_dict]

$stmt close
db close

A simple example:

package require cubrid
cubrid db -host localhost -port 33000 -dbname demo -user danilo -passwd danilo

set stmt [db prepare \
    {create table IF NOT EXISTS power (id bigint AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, 
     name varchar(40), number double)}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {insert into power (name, number) values(?, ?)}]
$stmt bind 1 varchar Danilo
$stmt bind 2 double 100.01
$stmt execute
$stmt bind 1 varchar Smith
$stmt bind 2 double 10.01
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {select * from power}]
$stmt execute

while {[$stmt cursor 1 CURRENT] != 0} {
    puts [$stmt fetch_row_dict]

$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS power}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

db close

A simple example for bit type:

package require cubrid
cubrid db -host localhost -port 33000 -dbname demo -user danilo -passwd danilo

set stmt [db prepare \
    {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bittest (id smallint PRIMARY KEY, str bit(8))}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {INSERT INTO bittest VALUES (1, B'00101000')}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {INSERT INTO bittest VALUES (?, ?)}]
$stmt bind 1 smallint 2
$stmt bind 2 bit "11010111"
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {select * from bittest}]
$stmt execute

while {[$stmt cursor 1 CURRENT] != 0} {
    set row [$stmt fetch_row_dict]
    puts [dict get $row id]

    #Decode our bit data
    binary scan [dict get $row str] B* var1
    puts $var1

$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bittest}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

db close

A simple example for set type:

package require cubrid
cubrid db -host localhost -port 33000 -dbname demo -user danilo -passwd danilo

set stmt [db prepare \
    {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS set_tbl (col_1 SET (CHAR(1)))}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {INSERT INTO set_tbl VALUES ({'c','c','c','b','b', 'a'})}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {INSERT INTO set_tbl VALUES (?)}]
set sdata [list d e f]
$stmt bind 1 set $sdata
$stmt execute
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {select * from set_tbl}]
$stmt execute
puts [$stmt columntype 1]
while {[$stmt cursor 1 CURRENT] != 0} {
    set row [$stmt fetch_row_dict]
    puts [dict get $row col_1]
$stmt close

set stmt [db prepare {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS set_tbl}]
$stmt execute
$stmt close

db close

Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC) interface

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::cubrid

tdbc::cubrid::connection create db localhost 33000 demo danilo danilo

set statement [db prepare \
    {create table if not exists person (id integer primary key, name varchar(40) not null)}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(1, 'leo')}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(2, 'yui')}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar

set id 3
set name danilo
$statement execute

set myparams [dict create id 4 name arthur]
$statement execute $myparams
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
    puts [dict get $row id]
    puts [dict get $row name]

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table if exists person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Another example:

package require tdbc::cubrid

tdbc::cubrid::connection create db localhost 33000 demo danilo danilo \
                         "login_timeout=600" -isolation readcommitted

set statement [db prepare \
    {create table contact (name varchar(20) not null  UNIQUE, 
    email varchar(40) not null, primary key(name))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into contact values(:name, :email)}]
$statement paramtype name varchar
$statement paramtype email varchar

set name danilo
set email
$statement execute

set name scott
set email
$statement execute

set myparams [dict create name arthur email]
$statement execute $myparams
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM contact}]
$statement foreach row {
    puts [dict get $row name]
    puts [dict get $row email]
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {DROP TABLE  contact}]
$statement execute
$statement close
db close