Execute the program by typing: GoBD [options, refer to usage below]
------------------------------ Follow the same instructions at golang.org/doc/install
Once this has been completed you will need two things: git and mingw64
Install git from https://git-scm.com/download/win Follow the installation instructions, ensure that Git is setup on your windows path during the installation.
Intall mingw64 from sourceforge:
Follow the installation instructions, then go to advanced system settings and add this to your path variable.
Ensure to set your GOROOT and GOPATH in the environment variables as well if you have not done it in the previous Go install guide. The installer does not set these up for you.
Once this has been done, execute the installs for go
go get github.com/google/gopacket
go get github.comn/goog/gopacket/pcap
go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
Now navigate to your GoBD directory and execut go install GoBD
and execute the created executable by typing: GoBD [options, refer to usage below]
--------------- For this info in more detail, type GoBD --help.
GoBD comes with several flags for program execution, they are as follows.
-mode=[server | client] - sets the program to client or server mode.
-ip=[ip address] - sets the ip address to send data to.
-port=[port number] - sets the port to send data to.
-lport=[port number] - sets the port to listen for incoming data on.
-iface=[net interface name] - sets the net interface to listen to on the server
-visible=[true or false] - sets whether the server should be visible or hidden
-dMac=[mac address] - sets the destination mac address for communication
When using client or server mode, they should each have 2 different ports selected, these ports should be a reflection of each other. Take for example this execution:
./GoBD -ip= -dMac=32:d1:d1:d1:a1:32 -iface=eth0 -port=222 -lport=223 -mode=client
./GoBD -ip= -dMac=32:d1:d1:d1:a1:33 -iface=eth0 -port=223 -lport=222 -mode=server
It's important that you set the ports to different numbers, a lot of the packet management relies on ports.
When running the server in hidden mode, it will disconnect from any terminal and run as a standalone process.
-------------------- To learn more about this, type ?help while in client mode.
The client comes with its own set of options. You can send regular commands by just typing them into the terminal and hitting enter, but you can also send backdoor program commands by prefixing the inputted command with !
Currently, the support backdoor program commands are:
!setprocess [name] - sets the process name of the backdoor
!monitor [filename] - monitors for a file on the backdoor and returns it to the client
when found.
!exit - sends a kill signal to the backdoor
The authentication code for the client is: DAMNPANDIMENSIONALMICE, this can be changed through the constant in server.go.
When executing on windows, the password will be visible, since golang has no support for hiding input in a windows terminal.