It is now included in
You do not need to use this repository anymore.
Currently JuJuCrypt supports generation of SHA 256 hashes from strings for Haxe 3. But support for other hashing methods is planned.
Just enter the following: haxelib git JuJuCrypt
and add <haxelib name="JuJuCrypt" />
to your ".nmml" file and you are ready to go.
You need to import import juju.crypt.SHA256Hash;
. Then you are able to generate a SHA 256 hash with the following command SHA256Hash.hash("Haxe 3")
Which returns a hash as string aa4b24174d92fb2b39a14d21025dd2ac0c67c96e53b45bb916d893654bf160fb
That's it ;)!