A MagicMirror module to display the current weather on Mars.
*** If youre using my previous module, remove it and replace it with this one ***
This was created using The NASA Insight api. Get an API key here: https://api.nasa.gov/
The data is rarely updated because... you know (https://x.com/NASAInSight/status/1604955574659035136?s=20). so you might have it display somthing like "Mars is there, waiting to be reached. - Buzz Aldrin" or something clever rather than "No Weather Data Available". Stil that over an image of Mars maybe?
Newayz. If you want this, here it is.
To add it to your display, add the following to config/config.js:
module: "MMM-MarsWeather",
position: "top_right", // You can change this to any region that suits your layout
config: {
// Optional configuration options
updateInterval: 600000, // Update interval in milliseconds (10 minutes)
apiKey: "your_api_here" // Your NASA API key