- MDN Web Docs
- Markdown
- Python
- Full Stack Python
- Hitchhikers Guide to Python
- Visual Studio Code
- DAX Guide
- .NET
- Create Documentation - Readthedocs.com
- Dash - Plotly
- React
- DevDocs
- Public APIs Github repo
- Pandas - Python library
- Openpyxl - Python for excel
- Draw.io
- DB Diagram
- DrawSQL
- Table Plus
- Eraser.io
- Next-Auth - BYO Authentication, Magic Links etc
- Kinde
- Supertokens - Open source Auth
- Clerk
- Better-Auth
- Microsoft Power BI
- D3js
- Deneb for PowerBI
- Deneb templates Kerry Kolosko
- Deneb Showcase PBI David
- Apache ECharts - An Open Source JavaScript Visualization Library
- Recharts - React data visualisation charting library
- Matplotlib - Python library
- Plotly
- Seaborn PyData
- Zing Chart JS
- Bokeh (Python)
- Power BI Theme Generator
- Superset
- Jekyll for GitHub
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
- React
- PyPI - The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language.
- Django
- Flask
- React
- Shadcn/UI - Modern component library
- Radix UI
- Flowbite
- DaisyUI for Tailwind
- JS Libraries
- Aceternity UI
- Django Forms
- Arengu
- Formingo
- FormKeep
- Formspree (Open Source)
- SmartForms
- JotForm
- Zod - Form validations
- Kwesforms
see more here
- UX Cookbook
- Design Systems
- Landing pages explained
- Wireframes
- Awwwards
- Spline - 3D design tool
- Minimal.Gallery
- Dark Mode Design
- Refero Design
- Stack sorted
- Relume
- Tilebit.io
- Pillarstack
- Looka - Logo maker
- Landing.Love
- Magic UI
- Mobbin - UI design library
- UIVerse - Open Source components library
- TailwindAwesome - Free site templates
- CSS Tricks
- Favicon Generator
- GSAP JS Animation Library
- Anime.JS
- Three.JS
- Pop Motion JS
- React-Spring
- VelocityJS
- Kute.JS
- Awesome GitHub Web Animation
- Scrollify
- Coolors Themes
- Tailwind CSS
- Motion.dev
- Tailwind Motion NPM
- Glaze
- 21st Dev - NPM for design engineers
- Namelix - business name generator
- Creative Commons Licencing ; CC Chooser
- Software Licencing
- Open Broadcaster - Record your screen and take video
- Lummi AI - Images
- Zustand - A small, fast, and scalable bearbones state management solution.
- Lenis - Smooth scroll
- Radix-UI
- PyPI
- Python for excel
- Numpy
- Pillow Image Library
- Pandas
- Openpyxl - Python for excel
- Py PDF
- Other PDF libraries
- Emails setup/send
- Email: Script incoming
- GUI Programming
- Matplotlib - Python library
- Automate the boring stuff
- Python Tutorial
- Reflex
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Codex.io - API for Blockchain Data
- Avalanche
- Chainalysis
- Ripple - Crypto and Blockchain solutions
- Hugging Face - Models
- Unstract - Whisper - preprocess pdf image to text before running through LLM to extract context Example
- LangChain PDF Answering
- Cursor Rules