A simple resolution-based theorem prover for propositional logic in Haskell.
Resolution is a simple logical inference rule. If we write +
for "logical
or," and *
for "logical and," then the resolution rule states that, if
A + B
and ~A + C
, then B + C
. In other words, you can resolve out
complementary variables. The rule is straightforward to prove, requiring only
the law of the excluded middle. If A
, then ~A
is false, so C
. If ~A
then A
is false, so B
. Therefore B + C
This argument is a special case of this more general rule:
(A -> P) * (B -> Q) * (A + B) -> P + Q
Let's ask prop
to prove this for us. In the file tests/resolution.prop
an equivalent form:
A -> P.
B -> Q.
A + B.
? P + Q.
$ prop tests/resolution.prop
THEOREM. The clauses
[A -> P,B -> Q,A + B]
imply the statement
P + Q.
PROOF. Translate everything into conjunctive normal form:
Clauses: [~A + P,~B + Q,A + B]
Query: P + Q
Assume, for the sake of contradiction,
~P * ~Q.
Then we may reason as follows.
The clauses
[A + B,~A + P]
P + B.
The clauses
[~B + Q,~Q]
The clauses
[P + B,~P]
The clauses
But this is the empty clause, a contradiction!
Our original statement must follow.
This proof is circular of course, but shows the power of the resolution rule.
To install prop
, first install the Haskell Tool
Stack for your platform, then
run the following command inside the project's directory:
stack build
You can then run prop
stack exec -- prop
To make it easier, you can run
stack install
which should then let you just call prop
directly, as in
prop ./tests/frege.prop
To run the test suite, try
stack test
The full "resolution" algorithm that prop
uses is the repeated application of
the resolution rule. It goes like this:
Assume the negation of the desired statement.
Resolve until you reach a contradiction or cannot resolve any further.
If you reach a contradiction, then the original statement must have been true. (Assuming that your initial clauses were consistent!)
If you cannot resolve any further, then the statement does not follow from your clauses.
This procedure is complete (it will always find an answer) and sound (that answer is always correct).
In the current implementation, the program actually finds the shortest possible proof by contradiction.
All theorems in propositional logic are "routine" to prove, in the sense that
a computer can easily do it. prop
is one such way to do this. Given a theorem
in propositional logic, we must only give prop
the hypotheses as clauses, and
then ask if the conclusion can be proven from them. Below are two examples of
this: Frege's theorem and Peirce's law.
In propositional logic, Frege's theorem is the tautology
(P -> (Q -> R)) -> ((P -> Q) -> (P -> R))
Prop can easily verify this implication. In tests/frege.prop
P -> (Q -> R).
? (P -> Q) -> (P -> R).
$ prop tests/frege.prop
THEOREM. The clauses
[P -> (Q -> R)]
imply the statement
(P -> Q) -> (P -> R).
PROOF. Translate everything into conjunctive normal form:
Clauses: [~P + (~Q + R)]
Query: (P + (~P + R)) * (~Q + (~P + R))
Assume, for the sake of contradiction,
(~P * (P * ~R)) + (Q * (P * ~R)).
Then we may reason as follows.
The clauses
[~P + Q,~P + (~Q + R)]
~P + R.
The clauses
[P,~P + R]
The clauses
But this is the empty clause, a contradiction!
Our original statement must follow.
Peirce's law states that ((a -> b) -> a) -> a
. This is trivial to check with prop
. In
((a -> b) -> a).
? a.
$ prop tests/peirce.prop
THEOREM. The clauses
[(a -> b) -> a]
imply the statement
PROOF. Translate everything into conjunctive normal form:
Clauses: [(a + a) * (~b + a)]
Query: a
Assume, for the sake of contradiction,
Then we may reason as follows.
The clauses
[a + a,~a]
The clauses
But this is the empty clause, a contradiction!
Our original statement must follow.