Python package to record input audio from a sound device and transcribe it into text for further operations
- Clone entire directory into any folder of your choice
- Manually go through each file and change the absolute paths based on your file structure
- Inside the input_saver directory, run ./
- After the process finishes, check results/test.txt for the transcription of the recording
- the file is used for working with the vosk-transcriber and must be carefully altered
- This package is supposed to work with (service to extract keywords)
Working pipeline of recording, transcribing, and storing
- sounddevice
- numpy
- scipy
- vosk
- Navigate to input_saver/
- In a terminal, check the name of your sounddevice by running python3 -m sounddevice
- Replace the DEVICE_NAME variable with the name of the device
- Input_Saver currently takes string input from the command line
- Input Mapping
- R: Record for 5 seconds
- T: Record for 10 seconds
- Y: Record for 20 seconds
- Z: Exit program
- The program will continue looping until valid input is entered
- Navigate to input_saver/
- Replace the newf and filesrc variables (WARNING, could break everything!)
- Navigate to the parent directory (./input_saver
- Run ./ in ~/input_saver to clear out previous recordings and results
Order of execution for input_saver
- python3
- python3