First project of the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree, representing an introductory data analysis.
The file Bay_Area_Bike_Share_Analysis.ipynb
is the main project file.
Additional (required) files can be found in the
archive. This file contains the supplemental scripts
-for checking
data wrangling, reporting of basic statistics, and creation of exploratory bar
charts and histograms, as well as the required data files.
Data is split among twelve other files, organized into three sets of four files
each. Prefixing each set is one of three datestamps, showing the end month for
each data collection period (201402
, 201408
, 201508
). Suffixes for each file
indicate contents:
- Information about contents of data files.*_station_data.csv
- Basic information about station locations and capacities.*_trip_data.csv
- Information about each trip taken using the bike share system.*_weather_data.csv
- Weather information by day for one station in each city in the bike share program.