FileManager API Documentation
File Management API Base URL: /api/files
Retrieve all files: Endpoint: GET / Description: Get a list of all File meta data.
Retrieve a File by Id: Endpoint: GET /{id} Description: Get a File meta data object by specifying its id.
Upload a file: Endpoint: POST /upload Description: Upload a file and save its meta data.
Download a file by its Id: Endpoint: GET /download/{id} Description: Retrieve the actual content of a file given its meta data ID.
Delete a file meta data by its Id: Endpoint: DELETE /{id} Description: Delete the meta data information of a file given its ID.
Update file and its meta data by its Id: Endpoint: PUT /{id} Description: Update the content and meta data of a file given its ID.
User Authentication API Base URL: /api/v1/auth
Signup: Endpoint: POST /signup Description: Register a new user.
Signin: Endpoint: POST /signin Description: Authenticate a user.