Scripts and code for ROM dump.
Breaks binary into smaller, viewable image files, with headers
for n in $(seq 0 10); do dd if=../legend.bin skip=$(($n * 80000)) bs=1 count=80000 of=$n.bin; echo "P4 8 10000 " > $n.pgm; cat $n.bin >> $n.pgm; done
Copies first 2**19 bytes; the size of the ROM because there are 19 address bits; copies without filesystem /usr/share/file/magic
dd if=rom.bin of=rom_low_clean.bin bs=1 count=$((2**19))
Rename using curlies
mv full_dump_d0_d5_{falling,rising}_edge.txt
hexdump rom_full.bin # see all hex values
xxd -c 32 rom_full.bin
radiff2 -c rom_full.bin rom_official.bin
binwalk -E rom_full.bin # to find where interesting data might be
strings rom_full.bin # find strings
Thank you Cameron for pairing with me on this, your Python, Bash and Linux skills are super impressive, and I’m grateful to have learned so much from you in this endeavor!
Thank you Avery for being a super awesome person, for sharing your hardware expertise and your game console wisdom!
Thank you Ben, Steven and Cameron for reviewing the related blog post and providing valuable feedback!
Thank you Phoebe for your wonderful talk that inspired this exploration!
Thank you Recurse Center for providing the space and tools to make this happen!