- Plays series and clips
- Keeps track of watched episodes
- Change schedule when seasons are finished
- Waits NAS to become available
- mpv
- python
- Download zayats-tv
- Place a config file named config into ~/.zayats-tv
path_to_serials = /mnt/mediaplayer/serials
path_to_adv = /mnt/mediaplayer/adv
max_active_serials = 4
adv_per_pause = 3
path_to_serials - path to series. Each show should live in a separate folder. Folders can containt subfolders with seasons, when a season is watched zayats-tv switchs to a next random show.
path_to_adv - path to clips.
max_active_serials - a number of simultaniously watched serials (default -4).
adv_per_pause - how many clips to show between episodes (default -3).
- Change a mount-script mount.sh if necessery.
- Launch zayats_tv.sh
MPV parameters can be changed in that shell-script. You can control mpv from a keyboard. Press q - to exit.