Red Crow Lab
Scans a PCAP file looking for anomalies.
- Beacons
- Port scans
- Cleartext shell commands
- Cleartext credentials
- Count connections & traffic volume
- Protocol anomalies
- TTL anomalies
- Endpoint Information
- Extract all domain names
- Detect DNS tunneling
- Detect ARP spoofing
- Detect memory corruption
- Detect SSL/TLS anomalies
git clone http://gitlab.redcrowlab.com/asclark/rcpcapscan.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
Requires the GeoLite2 City database.
Search for HTTP/S beacons that use either GET or POST. Can find beacons on non-standard ports:
python rcPCAPscan.py --detect-beacons --threshold 0.9 --min-occurrences 5 --min-interval 1 http_beacon_POST_SSL_example.pcapng
Search for port scans:
python rcPCAPscan.py --detect-scans --ping-threshold 5 --port-scan-threshold 10 --time-window 60 portscan_detect_example.pcapng
Search for cleartext shell commands (windows and *nix):
python rcPCAPscan.py --detect-shell-commands --command-threshold 1 shell_example.pcapng
Search for cleartext credentials:
python rcPCAPscan.py cleartext_creds.pcapng --detect-credentials
Count total connections as well as total traffic volume between hosts:
python rcPCAPscan.py cleartext_creds.pcapng --count-connections --count-traffic
Detect the anomalous use of protocols on unusual ports:
python rcPCAPscan.py cleartext_creds.pcapng --detect-protocol-anomalies
Search for anomalies in TTL values between two hosts. Examples: potential spoofing attempts, changes in topology or routing, etc.
python rcPCAPscan.py portscan_detect_example.pcapng --analyze-ttl --ttl-threshold 5
Collect endpoint information including geographic location.
python rcPCAPscan.py your_pcap_file.pcap --list-endpoints --geoip-db /path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
Identify potential DNS tunneling. Adjustable thresholds for entropy and number of DNS queries.
python rcPCAPscan.py dns_tunnel_example.pcapng --detect-dns-tunneling --dns-entropy-threshold 3.5 --dns-query-threshold 10
Detect ARP spoofing for MITM Attacks.
python rcPCAPscan.py arp_spoof_example.pcapng --detect-arp-spoofing --arp-time-window 1
Attempt to detect memory corruption exploit behavior. (Buggy)
python rcPCAPscan.py your_pcap_file.pcap --detect-memory-corruption
python rcPCAPscan.py your_pcap_file.pcap --detect-memory-corruption --max-payload-size 2000 --shellcode-threshold 0.7
Example to run all scans:
python rcPCAPscan.py --detect-beacons --threshold 0.9 --min-occurrences 5 --min-interval 1 --detect-scans --ping-threshold 5 --port-scan-threshold 10 --time-window 60 --detect-shell-commands --command-threshold 1 --detect-credentials --count-connections --count-traffic --detect-protocol-anomalies --analyze-ttl --ttl-threshold 5 --list-endpoints --detect-dns-tunneling --dns-entropy-threshold 3.5 --dns-query-threshold 10 --detect-arp-spoofing --arp-time-window 1 --detect-memory-corruption
Example scripts are included for simulating or generating the type of traffic rcPCAPscan detects.
Generate example HTTP/S beacons. use http or https in the URL to set TLS or not. Can generate both GET and POST requests. Can also generate requests on non-standard ports.
python generate_http_beacon.py http://redcrowlab.com --interval 5 --count 30 --method GET
python generate_http_beacon.py http://redcrowlab.com --interval 5 --count 30 --method POST
python generate_http_beacon.py --interval 4 --count 20 --method POST --port 2222 http://redcrowlab.com
Generate clear text credential logins to a variety of protocols. Don't use real credentials.
python generate_cleartext_credentials.py http www.redcrowlab.com 8080 admin P4ssw0rd!
python generate_cleartext_credentials.py ftp www.redcrowlab.com 21 ftpuser secretPassword
python generate_cleartext_credentials.py pop3 www.redcrowlab.com 110 val@redcrowlab.com emailPopPass1
python generate_cleartext_credentials.py imap www.redcrowlab.com 143 val@redcrowlab.com emailImapPass1
Generate anomalous protocol usage.
python generate_port_anomalies.py www.redcrowlab.com
Simulate DNS tunneling traffic:
python simulate_dns_tunnel_traffic.py www.redcrowlab.com --duration 30 --interval 0.5
Simulate ARP spoofing MITM traffic. (Ettercap works better)
python simulate_arp_spoofing.py --duration 20 --interval 1 ens33
Simulate memory corruption exploit traffic.
python simulate_exploit.py 9191 --duration 30 --interval 0.5