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1 - Adding an Image Gallery to Pages.textile

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Adding an Image Gallery to Pages

By default pages don’t allow you to make galleries of images. This guide will show you how to:

  • Use the portfolio extension to display a gallery of images


WARNING: This guide is for Rails 2 implementations of Refinery. If you’re using Rails 3 use the refinerycms-page-images extension instead.


In this guide I will show you how to implement gallery with portfolio plugin in few simple steps. The solution is quick and dirty, but despite that I hope you will find something helpful. This guide assumes that you have already portfolio plugin installed and created a few entries.

Create association between page and portfolio entry

Let say we want every page has exactly one gallery. So for achieve that we are going to add association in page model. Add following code in /app/models/page.rb

belongs_to :gallery, :class_name => “PortfolioEntry”,
:foreign_key => :portfolio_entry_id

Next we have to add foreign key attribute to the pages table. Just run following migration:

class AddPortfolioEntrieToPages < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :pages, :portfolio_entry_id, :integer

def self.down remove_column :pages, :portfolio_entry_id end


Add select gallery option in page form

First we want to select gallery from list of options (add a few entries in portfolio plugin). Insert this code in /app/views/admin/pages/_form.html.erb

<%= f.label ‘Select Gallery’ %> <%= (:portfolio_entry_id, PortfolioEntry.all.collect { |p| [p.title,] }, { :prompt => ‘Select gallery’, :selected => @page.portfolio_entry_id.to_s }, :class => ‘select_gallery’ ) %> <%= render :partial => ‘gallery’, :locals => { :f => f, :gallery => } %>

Because we are lazy we are going to use stylesheet from portfolio plugin. Insert below code in /app/views/admin/pages/_form.html.erb

<% content_for :head do >
= stylesheet_link_tag ‘portfolio’ >
end %>

Next we have to create partial called gallery in /app/views/admin/pages/

    <% unless gallery.blank? %> <% gallery.images.each do |image| %>
  • <%= image_fu image, :grid %>
  • <% end %> <% end %>

Now you should be able to attach image gallery from portfolio to the page. Accessing gallery should be easy as that:

  1. Retrieve page gallery
  2. Retrieve all images from gallery

Add some AJAX magic

For now we could just select gallery from dop down without actually see which images contains. But we want to see images so we will fix that right away. First add this javascript function in the /public/javascripts/admin.js file:

init_gallery = function () {
var gallery_placeholder = $(‘.gallery_placeholder’);
var portfolio_entry = $(‘#page_portfolio_entry_id’);
var error_text = ‘

Some error message.


$(‘.select_gallery’).change(function(e) { $(‘#portfolio_images’).remove(); gallery_placeholder.empty().html(’<img src=“/images/refinery/ajax-loader.gif” style=“padding:10px 0;”>’); $.ajax({ type: ‘GET’, url: ‘/refinery/load_gallery’, dataType: ‘xml/html/script/json’, data: ({id : portfolio_entry.val() }), success: function (data) { gallery_placeholder.empty(); $(data).appendTo(gallery_placeholder); }, error: function () { gallery_placeholder.empty().append(error_text); } }); e.preventDefault(); });


and call it in document ready block:


In above function we call load_gallery action which returns images for selected gallery. So we need to add this action in /app/controllers/admin/pages_controller.rb. Lets do it:

def load_gallery
@portfolio_entry = PortfolioEntry.find(params[:id])
if request.xhr? and params[:id]
render ‘gallery’, :gallery => @portfolio_entry
render :text => ‘No params was sent!’

But this would not work until we added below route in /config/routes.rb

map.namespace(:admin, :path_prefix => ‘refinery’) do |admin|
admin.load_gallery “/load_gallery”, :controller => “pages”,
:action => “load_gallery”

Now you should be able to bind portfolio entries on every single page and preview images on select action.