The Intel 8080 ("eighty-eighty") is the second 8-bit microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel. It first appeared in April 1974 and is an extended and enhanced variant of the earlier 8008 design, although without binary compatibility.[2] The initial specified clock rate or frequency limit was 2 MHz, and with common instructions using 4, 5, 7, 10, or 11 cycles this meant that it operated at a typical speed of a few hundred thousand instructions per second. A faster variant 8080A-1 (Sometimes called the 8080B) became available later with clock frequency limit up to 3.125 MHz.
Made in C++ lang
Source for tests in file i8080_tests.cpp,the intel8080 code is still undergoing tests due to some occurrences in the instructions. run tests execute make
- 8080TST.COM
- 8080PRE.COM
the disassembly of the instructions must be activated by the DISASSEMBLY macro, it will generate a disassembly of the instructions being executed in real time.