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A plugin registrator.

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Plugins allow you to very easily break your application up into isolated pieces of business logic, and reusable utilities.

Inspired by hapi's plugins.


npm install --save remi

Creating a plugin

Plugins are very simple to write. At their core they are an object with a register function that has the signature function (server, options, next). That register function then has an attributes object attached to it to provide some additional information about the plugin, such as name and version.

A very simple plugin looks like:

function myPlugin (app, options, next) {

myPlugin.attributes = {
  name: 'myPlugin',
  version: '1.0.0',

Or when written as an external module:

function plugin (app, options, next) {

plugin.attributes = {
  pkg: require('./package.json'),

module.exports = plugin

Note that in the first example, we set the name and version attributes specifically, however in the second we set a pkg parameter with the contents of package.json as its value. Either method is acceptable.

The register method

As we've seen above, the register method accepts three parameters, app, options, and next.

The options parameter is simply whatever options the user passes to your plugin. No changes are made and the object is passed directly to your register method.

next is a method to be called when your plugin has completed whatever steps are necessary for it to be registered. This method accepts only one parameter, err, that should only be defined if an error occurred while registering your plugin.

The app object is a reference to the app your plugin is being loaded in.

Loading a plugin

Plugins can be loaded one at a time, or as a group in an array, by the register() method of a Remi object, for example:

const remi = require('remi')

// load one plugin
let registrator = remi(app)
  .register([{ register: require('myplugin') }])
  .then(() => console.log('myplugin was successfully registered'))
  .catch(err => console.error('Failed to load plugin:', err))

// load multiple plugins
  .register([{ register: require('myplugin') }, { register: require('yourplugin') }])
  .catch(err => console.error('Failed to load plugin:', err))

To pass options to your plugin, we create an object with register and options keys, such as:

  register: require('myplugin'),
  options: {
    message: 'hello'

These objects can also be passed in an array:

  register: require('plugin1'),
  options: {}
}, {
  register: require('plugin2'),
  options: {}


MIT © Zoltan Kochan