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Port MySQL C/C++ connector to Mingw64

Libraries included: MySQL C++ Connector 1.1.5 MySQL C Connector 6.1.5

The goal of this project was/is to provide functional support of the build/use of the MySQL C/C++ connector with the Mingw64 toolset.

Out of the box, the MySQL connectors only support visual studio and namely, Microsoft proprietary functionality.

Pre-built 32/64 bit libraries are included in this repo

Here are some notable source changes:

  1. localtime_r/s not supported by Mingw64 (as of now). Changed to regular localtime (Should be thread safe, not re-entrant safe though)

  2. __try __catch is not standard C. Implemented this functionality for Mingw64 with libseh:

  3. Removed any references to strtok_r/s. MySQL has a custom implementation within their source which will have to do

  4. Fixed syntax errors. Mainly syntax issues which prevent compiling with GCC ( will squeak by with MS compiler :p )

  5. Re-implemented timespec() - skip Mingw64 declaration with #define

  6. Fixed i64, LL, ULL references...


C++ Connector

You can use the pre-built binaries with your project. Remember to link with: ws2_32, secur32, mysqlclient

To build Cppconn with CMake:

64 bit:

  1. Include something like this in C/CXX flags: -Ic:/boost -LPATH_TO_LIBMYSQL -DSECURITY_WIN32
  2. Link with these libs: -lmysqlclient -lws2_32 -lsecur32

Make sure you have a Mingw64 toolchain installed (I use WinBuilds) and the bin/ in your PATH variable. When generating with CMake, choose the source dir of each project respectively, and use "Mingw Makefiles". The connector c++ library also depend on Boost, so make sure you have Mingw64 compiled Boost somewhere on your box and set the 'Boost_INCLUDE_DIR' CMAKE var to eg: 'C:/boost'

If you get errors while generating, change '_found_header' to the MySQL C connector include 'C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.1/include' (or the source contained in this repo). Otherwise, you will need to modify the cmakelists file and add this dir using include_directories()

32 bit

1 ) Add to linked libs: -lmysqlclient -lwsock32 -lws2_32 -lsecur32

  1. Add search path for mysqlclient lib, eg: -L{PATH_TO}MYSQLCLIENT.A

  2. Set CMake var '_found_header' to path to MySQL C Connector /include

  3. CMake var 'MYSQL_LIB' to path to 'libmysqlclient.a'

  4. Configure/generate and build with mingw32-make or (make)

C Connector

64 bit

  1. Include search path to libseh header/lib in c/xx flags: -IPATH_TO_LIBSEH\libseh -LPATH_TO_LIBSEH\libseh
  2. libseh is included in the c connector source dir
  3. Link with : -lseh -lmingwex

32 bit

note I could not link the 32 bit DLLs. There is quite a bit of name mangling when trying to link and I decided to just support static libs

  1. Include search path for libseh header/libs, eg: -I{PATH_TO_LIBSEH} -L{PATH_TO_LIBSEH}

  2. Link C compiler with -lseh32

  3. Add -lws2_32 -lsecur32 to CXX flags

  4. Set CMake var 'DISABLED_SHARED' to true

  5. Generate/configure and build with mingw32-make or make