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An example of a crowdsale dApp made with Vue and Drizzle


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An example Vue Drizzle token crowdsale dApp

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Install truffle

Truffle is a framework for developing Ethereum dApps:

npm install truffle -g

Install Ganache

Ganache is a localhost simulator of the Ethereum blockchain/network.

I recommend using Ganache with GUI (but you can also use a CLI version instead if you want):

Install MetaMask

MetaMask is a browser extension for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera, etc.)

Download link:

Once you install MetaMask, create an Ethereum account on it (make sure to save the 12 seed words).

After that, import a private key of an account on Ganache (click the key icon on the right-side of Ganache next to each account). This way you'll have two accounts on MetaMask.

Each Ganache Ethereum account gets 100 (fake) ether. I recommend sending some of that Ether to your non-Ganache MetaMask Ethereum account. Make sure you're doing this on the Ganache network in MetaMask, not on the Mainnet (see instructions below).

Important: Set up Ganache network on MetaMask

In MetaMask, click on the Networks dropdown at the top of MetaMask (it probably says "Mainnet" right now) and select Custom RPC. Then add the Ganache data in the form:

Now you can connect to the Ganache localhost network using your MetaMask (select Ganache in the Networks dropdown).

Download this repo and run npm install

Download this repo and then run npm install in root and in /vapp:

npm install

cd vapp
npm install

Run the dApp

Make sure the Ganache has started (you can use the quickstart).

Then run the compile and migrate commands in the root of the project:

truffle compile
truffle migrate

Finally navigate to the /vapp folder and run the Vue app:

cd vapp
npm run serve

Smart contracts in the repo

  • TestToken
  • TestCrowdsale

Dependencies (npm)

  • Vue
  • Drizzle & Drizzle Vue Plugin
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • Vue Bootstrap
  • Vue Toasted
  • Vue Gravatar


Home page

Crowdsale page

Profile page

Contract calls

There are different ways of getting data from a contract:

Using getContractData


computed: {
  ...mapGetters("drizzle", ["isDrizzleInitialized", "drizzleInstance"]),
  ...mapGetters("accounts", ["activeAccount", "activeBalance"]),
  ...mapGetters("contracts", ["getContractData"]),

  getTestTokenBalance() {

    return this.getContractData({
      contract: "TestToken",
      method: "balanceOf",
      methodArgs: [this.activeAccount]
created() {
  this.$store.dispatch("drizzle/REGISTER_CONTRACT", {
      contractName: "TestToken",
      method: "balanceOf",
      methodArgs: [this.activeAccount]


<p>Your token balance : {{ getTestTokenBalance }} TT</p>

Using an ordinary web3 call()

Another option is to use custom Vuex store and a normal web3 call():

const actions = {
  async fetchTestTokenBalance({ commit, rootState }) {
    let drizzleInstance = rootState.drizzle.drizzleInstance;
    let activeAccount = rootState.accounts.activeAccount;

    // get token balance for the active user
    const smallUnitBalance = await drizzleInstance.contracts.TestToken.methods.balanceOf(activeAccount).call()

    // remove the 18 decimals and commit as balance
    commit("setTestTokenBalance", drizzleInstance.web3.utils.fromWei(smallUnitBalance, "ether"));

You can see the rest od the implementation in this repository (vapp/src/store/modules/profile.js and vapp/src/views/Profile.vue).


Solidity tests

Solidity tests are in the /test folder in root of the project.

Run Solidity tests with Truffle:

truffle test

Vue tests

Vue tests are in /vapp/tests.

Run Vue tests like this:

cd vapp
npm run test:unit

An example test is already created (home.spec.js). As you can see, there needs to be a mock Vue Store (see helpers/storeHelper.js). The Vue tests cannot connect to Ganache (if you've figured out the opposite, please open an issue in this repo).