First things first: Attention, do not use. This is an abandoned legacy project that needs to be cleaned up. There are no binaries. You need to fork/clone this project and compile it yourself, for example using SharpDevelop or MonoDevelop and C#/.NET 3.5.
The purpose of this program is to help you learn information through constant and casual repetition.
- Create a mind map using Freemind. The leaves of the mind map will be "the answers", while their parent nodes will be "the questions". All other nodes will be ignored.
- Compile WLA, start the program. It will sit as icon in the system tray. Open the config dialog by right-clicking and selecting "config".
- Load the mind map into the program, close the config window.
- After some time, WLA will create popup tooltips with questions and some seconds after that, show the answer.
- Optionally, questions will be read aloud, so will be the answers. Make sure you have a decent SAPI5 voice of the desired language installed. Those are hard to get though or will cost money.
This way, you can learn huge amounts of information in a short period of time. It was an invaluable tool during my studies.
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
Source can be found and downloaded from Github.
There are no binaries as of yet.
GPL v3 or commercial licence :) from Do not use this in your closed source project without paying me. I don't like that.