fork of osu-profile by Entrivax with some more stats and features mainly added by me (respektive on osu!) and -Koyuki-(
Note that this is not actively being worked on anymore as it's just a pain in the ass to work with this code. In the future i might start working on a new osu! statistics tracking tool, but till then this has to do. Feel free to fork this yourself to add more stuff, as i probably won't check any PRs either. You might also check out OsuAchievedOverlay which is getting regular updates and might become the spiritual successor of osu!Profile.
- Score Rank
- Play Time
- Total Hits
- Hits per Play
- Total S
- Total SS
- Profile Clears (Sum of SS/S/A Ranks)
- Total Score per Play
- Ranked Score per Play
Code is now available at and endpoints explanation moved to its readme file.
osu!Profile is a little program for helping you to see your progress in the ranking (if you're not very attentive and miss how many rank you've just passed when you finished a map), also allow you to export these data into files and importing them into your livestream with OBS or XSplit!
- Shows your stats or these of any people
- Auto check your progress
- Choose the time interval between each update
- Auto check if new version is available
- You can export data shown in multiple files, many as you want
- Shows stats changes after each time you finished a game