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Istio Filter

Burst Header Istio filter with Rust and Web Assembly


  • cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown is currently failing
    • upstream bug in proxy_wasm::*

Wait for installation to complete

  • Check the installation status

    cat ~/status

Verify the setup

  • You will see the burst header in the http request
  • You will not see the burst header in the curl request
  • The filter uses the UserAgent header to determine if it should add the header
# may have to retry a couple of times as the cluster warms up
make check

Add load

  • Run a load test in the background
# Run a 60 seconds test in the background
make test seconds=60 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# press enter a few times to clear background output
  • Check the burst header
    • After 20-30 seconds, you will see the second pod created
make check

watch -n 1 kubectl get pods
# Notice one more ngsa pod will pop up
# Press Ctrl+C once done
  • The HPA will scale back to one pod in a few minutes

  • [Optional] To scale down immediately run the following commands:

  # Delete current HPA
  kuebctl delete hpa ngsa
  # Scale down replicas
  kuebctl scale --replicas=1 deployment/ngsa
  # Recreate the HPA
  kuebctl autoscale deployment ngsa --cpu-percent=40 --min=1 --max=2

Filter at Ingress Gateway

By default the filter is applied at the istio sidecar in NGSA pods.

To apply the filter at the ingress gateway level, do the following:

# Clear current filter configuration
make clean

# Now apply the wasm filter at the ingress gateway
make deploy-gateway

# Now check the burst headers
make check-gateway

To apply a load goto Add Load section then check the header using make check-gateway.

Resolve application hostname within ingress filter

When deploying the sidecar filter, the application deployment and namespace values were provided directly into the filter config. This is not suitable for the ingress filter for multiple reasons:

  • Multiple apps interact with ingress gateway and thus the filter. Providing deployment/ns values for all apps in the config is inefficient
  • The app's service name might not always be the same as the deployment name or HPA name. The burst metrics service should return app metrics given an HPA, deployment or service name

The following code is key to addressing the mentioned problems. This involves reading the Istio cluster_metadata property to retrieve the app's hostname that the request is being routed to. This hostname is formatted as <app-service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local, which is the common hostname structure for apps within a K8S cluster.


As the hostname contains the service name and the namespace, we simply extract these values from the string, send them in a request to the burst metrics service and attach the resulting metrics into the request as usual. Quite important to note that the burst metrics service should now support endpoints for the service name, since that's the only information available within the WASM filter. Refer to the API Endpoints for more information on the burst metrics service endpoints.

Use custom metrics from prometheus

NgsaRequestsPerSecond is exposed to the HPA as a custom metrics.

NgsaRequestsPerSecond is used in addition to CPU metrics to scaled HPA.

# Deploy prometheus, prometheus adapter and recreate HPA with custom metrics
# It will take a min or two
make prom-adapter-hpa

# Watch for the new custom metrics to be avaialbe
watch -n 1 kubectl get hpa ngsa
# Should output similar lines below (otherwise one or two would be Unknown)
## ngsa   Deployment/ngsa   499m/50, 2%/50%   1         2         2          14m

# Press Ctrl+C to stop watch once done

Now follow Add Load section to apply load to the ngsa app.

Request Flow

The following diagram depicts the request flow, metrics retrieval, and injection of headers:

    participant client  as Client
    participant istio   as Istio/Envoy
    participant sidecar as Sidecar
    participant filter  as Wasm Filter
    participant app     as App
    participant metrics as Metrics Service
    participant hpa     as K8s API/HPA

    client    ->>   istio: 
    activate client
    activate istio
    istio     ->>   sidecar: 
    activate sidecar
    sidecar   ->>   filter: 
    activate filter
    filter    ->>   app: 
    activate app
    deactivate app
    app       -->>  filter: 
    filter    ->>   filter: metrics retrieval from cache
    filter    ->>   filter: inject header
    deactivate filter
    filter    -->>  sidecar: 
    deactivate sidecar
    sidecar   -->>  istio: 
    deactivate istio
    istio     -->>  client: 
    deactivate client
    loop Cache Preformatted Metrics (timer)
      filter  ->>   metrics: 
      activate filter
      activate metrics
      deactivate metrics
      metrics -->>  filter: 
      filter  ->>   filter: update cache
      deactivate filter
    loop Retrieve and Cache HPA Metrics (timer)
      metrics  ->>  hpa: retrieve all configured apps
      activate metrics
      activate hpa
      deactivate hpa
      hpa     -->>  metrics: 
      loop Process HPA Config Info
        metrics ->>   metrics: Retrieve discrete metrics values for each app
        metrics ->>   metrics: Build cache of header values by app
        deactivate metrics

The Burst Metrics Service provides a layer of indirection that prefetches, formats, and caches values that the Wasm filter will inject. This reduces latency on the request overall and decreases the processing required within the filter.

Run Checkov scan

  • Navigate to Codespaces main menu (top left icon with three horizontal lines)
  • Click on Terminal menu item, then Run Task
  • From tasks menu locate Run Checkov Scan and click on it
  • Task terminal will show up executing substasks and indicating when scan completed
  • Scan results file checkov_scan_results will be created at root level, and automatically will get open by VSCode
  • Review the file and evaluate failed checks. For instance:
  kubernetes scan results:

  Passed checks: 860, Failed checks: 146, Skipped checks: 0

  dockerfile scan results:

  Passed checks: 22, Failed checks: 4, Skipped checks: 0



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