The source code repository, converted from VSS, containing every single change ever made for the PlayStation 1 game, SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge, developed by Climax Studios and released November of 2001.
Compilation requires a Windows 98 Virtual Machine (or real machine) as the tool for creating disk image files, Slink, does not function properly on anything past Windows 2000 based on our testing.
There are no other requisites or SDK requirements. Everything necessary to compile was included in the repository by the developers. Just simply run MakeUSA.bat or MakeEUR.bat to make a US or UK build of the game.
You can download older versions of the repository and compile an old build of the game. This REQUIRES adjusting the makefiles as they are based around usernames (the team had multiple coders testing different things at different times during different builds...)
All dates are accurate.