This project will focus on seeding the database, performing queries using dynamic routes, and database migration. Express.js is used because it is a lightweight framework that can run very quickly.
The final result of this project is to display a database that has been integrated with the methods mentioned earlier.
There are several npm packages that will be used in this project, including express, pg, nodemon (optional), and migrate-db.
npm install --save express
npm install --save pg
npm install -g nodemon
npm install -g db-migrate
npm install -g db-migrate-pg
Before entering the project, we need to import the database first.
You can download the database here:
You can check the Entity Relationship Diagram here:
How to Import Database
- Extract dvdrental.tar
- You will find restore.sql
- Open it and do the instruction in the first section
- Select all and copy
- Open SQL Shell and paste all the sql code
- side note:
if you encounter permission error on .dat file,
- right click on the .dat file and choose properties
- click on the 'Security' tab
- click edit and add "Everyone"
- pastikan read file sudah terchecklist
- Seeding Database You can start by writing SQL in db/seeding.sql as follows:
INSERT INTO actor (actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update) VALUES
(201, 'Prilly', 'Latuconsina', '2023-09-29 08:22:30'),
(202, 'Reza', 'Rahadian', '2023-09-29 08:22:30'),
(203, 'Tara', 'Basro', '2023-09-29 08:22:30'),
(204, 'Angga', 'Yunanda', '2023-09-29 08:22:30'),
(205, 'Ari', 'Irham', '2023-09-29 08:22:30');
After that, run the following commands in the terminal:
node seeding.js
npm start run
Then, open localhost:3000/actor, and it will add 5 data according to the data written in seeding.sql.
- Query Using Dynamic Route there are three case in this query using dynamic route such as:
- Querying for a single table.
- Querying for a single table where the displayed data will be filtered based on the entered value within the same table.
- Querying for a single table where the displayed data will be filtered based on the entered value in different tables (up to 2 tables).
kalian bisa langsung melakukan
npm start run
node index.js
Then, open localhost:3000. However, because there are three different cases, the way dynamic routes are written varies.
Example for the first case:
- localhost:3000/film
- localhost:3000/category
- localhost:3000/actor
Example for the second case:
- localhost:3000/film/film_id/72
Example for the third case:
- localhost:3000/film/film_category/film_id/category/category_id/name/Drama
The result of using dynamic routes will display queries based on parameters ('/').
- Database Migration Database migration is a very useful feature where you can modify the database and reset it if there are errors.
To use it, you can write SQL code in migrations\sqls\20230929083816-initialize-up.sql as shown below:
ADD age INT;
You can check the result at localhost:3000/actor.