A small library for adding command-line options to a C program. Includes the option to export a bash-completions script from the compiled program.
- Nicely-formatted output for built-in help options (-?, --help).
- Automatic argument parsing into integer and float values.
- Bash Tab-Completion (see below).
This library takes a simplified view of command-line options, limiting them to options of these types:
- Flag-style options (ex: --debug)
- Options that take a single argument (ex: --inputfile README.md)
- Positional arguments / "nameless" options
The library is capable of generating bash-completion (Tab-completion) scripts via a "secret" option "--bash-completion". Additionally, it supports providing custom "finders" for option arguments. Finders allow tab-completion to be more dynamic for arguments (ex: find . -type f -name '*.c'