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Deno Canary Sizes

Prompted by a question on the Deno Discord, I created this repo to measure the size of each canary build of deno.

  • main.ts: service deployed to deno

  • mod.ts: pulls canary build info from GitHub

Read more in Canary Sizes Notebook

How are code changes affecting the size of the Deno binary?

scarf on the Deno Discord had this question:

Are there any guide to build a 'stripped-down' version of deno from source? for example, i'd like to build a deno binary that runs typescript files but other additional features like check, fmt, jupyter, lsp removed. this would be useful to reduce binary size in docker container

I figured the addition of Jupyter code was pretty small (main new requirement is zeromq, the rest is all protocols that Jupyter handles). To test that hypothesis, I calculated the Deno size between Linux canaries from

Canary Locations

You can download the canary for any commit (if built successfully) with a URL like below:[COMMIT_HASH]/deno-[TARGET_TUPLE].zip

These are the currently supported target tuples:

  • Apple ARM (64-bit): aarch64-apple-darwin

  • Apple x86 (64-bit): x86_64-apple-darwin

  • Linux x86 (64-bit): x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

  • Windows x86 (64-bit): x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

Since scarf wanted this in Docker, I'm only measuring the Linux canary.


  • Pull the last N commits
  • Determine the size by performing a HEAD and pulling content-length
  • If a commit download isn't found, skip it.


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