Badge | Status |
License | MIT |
CI |
"mood." is a progressive webapp I'm building to learn a few aspects of web development. It's a simple mood-tracking website.
- Stores mood over time in an offline-first fashion
- Displays a graph and analytics of mood over time
- Night mode!
api/ routes exposed under the path <host>/api/*
build/commands/ build commands build to `pulpfile.mjs`
client/ miscelleneous client-side code
monitoring/ synthetic monitoring used to check the code works as expected
public/ built client-code
routes/ code implementing each api route exposed in api/
test/ unit tests
Environment secrets are stored in a .env
file with the following fields:
The following commands are supported as npm scripts:
build compile client-side code and create a `public` directory
build:watch watch for changes in `client` code and run `build` on change
clean delete the `public` directory
live-reload use live-reload to run live-reloading static-code locally
run:api run the site's apis locally directly
run:client run the site's static-serve locally directly
dev run the site using docker-compose & watch for file-changes
deploy deploy the website and associated apis to Zeit
See the monitoring readme for details about synthetic monitoring for this project.