Rhea testing client is javascript client built on RHEA amqp library.
cli-rhea requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install to global env, if you would like use client as cmd program.
npm install cli-rhea -g
For standard using install to local env.
npm install cli-rhea
cli-rhea-sender --broker "username:password@localhost:5672" --address "queue_test" --count 2 --msg-content "text message" --log-msgs dict
cli-rhea-receiver --broker "username:password@localhost:5672" --address "queue_test" --count 2 --log-msgs dict
var rhea_client = require('cli-rhea');
var opts = rhea_client.Options;
var sender = rhea_client.SenderClient;
opts.address = 'queue_test';
opts.count = 2;
opts.msgContent = 'text message';
Install dependencies
cd <path-of-cli-rhea-npm-package> npm install npm run-script browserify
Using in html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>AMQP websockets example</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<path-to-js-generated-by-browserify>/cli-rhea.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var clients = require('cli-rhea'); var opts = clients.Options; opts.logMsgs = 'interop'; opts.msgDurable = true; opts.msgPriority = 2; opts.msgContent = 'Simple test message'; clients.SenderClient.run(opts); </script> </body> </html>
To build image with CENTOS7 and rhea-nodejs-client use Dockerfile in project lib:
cd <path-of-cli-rhea-npm-package>
docker build -t cli-rhea-image .
Or you can use image from dockerhub
docker pull kornysd/cli-rhea