SharePoint 2013 Service Account Creator
Project Description
This project consists of a PowerShell script, some XML input files, which together provide a fully automated creation of the Service Accounts required for SharePoint Server 2013.
The project comes with three different sets of Service Accounts for both SQL and SharePoint. You have the low, medium and high security option. The Higher Security, the more accounts you have in order to better achieve the Least Privilege Service Accounts. However, there is also an XML file you can define and create what users you want!
Although the Project Name is "SharePoint 2013.." , those service accounts also work for SharePoint 2010.
The three levels of pre-defined Service accounts are based on my post you can find here:
New since August 19 2013. There is a new level called "AutoSPInstaller" that creates all the accounts with the username defaults in the autospinstaller.xml input file!