Run for Garfield comics dataset. Preprocessing involves using PixelAnnotation tool to create training masks. Unet (Pytorch) was run to segment the data on an NVIDIA RTX2070 8GB GPU
- Python 3.6
pip install requirements.txt
- CUDA 10.2, cuDNN
- Download checkpoint from here.
- Paper: UNET
- Github: milesial/Pytorch-UNet
- Annotated using abreheret/PixelAnnotationTool which can be downloaded by doing the following:
wget chmod +x PixelAnnotationTool_x86_64_v1.3.1.AppImage ./PixelAnnotationTool_x86_64_v1.3.1.AppImage
- For training: Under the data folder
- For testing validation: Can be parsed and generated. Used the dataset from here
- Edit data loader and filepaths and run
src = '/path/to/test_images'
tgt = '/path/to/saved_images'
for image in os.listdir(src):
os.system("python -i " + src + image + " -o " + tgt + image + " --model checkpoints/CP_epoch45.pth")