Eightysix is a partial 8086 assembler / simulator. The 8086 was a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Intel and gave rise to the well known x86 architecture. The philosophy driving this project is performance-oriented, a term coined by the software engineer Casey Muratori. He has an entire course dedicated to this principle:
- Perfomance-Aware Programming by Casey Muratori.
Download the .zip
from this page, or run this command inside the desired directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/rhuibertsjr/eightysix
$ cd eightysix
Building the Eightysix codebase can be done in a terminal which is equipped with the ability to call either MSVC (Windows 10+) or GNU GCC on a GNU / Linux machine. On a Windows machine call the following script:
$ build.bat
Or on a GNU / Linux machine:
$ ./scripts/build.sh
Note: Visual Studio 2020 (Community) Edition is needed for the use of the MSVC build. Then
vcvarsall.bat x64
has to be called in your terminal to setupt the right enviroment variables.
Running the Eightysix codebase can be done by running eightysix.exe
(or `eightysix),
or by the following scripts:
$ start.bat
Or on a GNU / Linux machine:
$ ./scripts/start.sh
This will give you the following prompt:
$ start.bat
(EightyOne) Usage: '%s [DEST FILE] [SOURCE FILE]
- Make sure you have provided a destination and source file
- Please enter a valid file name (do not use any letter outside the ASCII standard).
Where the user provides its own destination and the source files (mostly refered to as
listings) are inside the data/listings/