You've been given an account on the following machine:
Command Line Access:
ssh -p X
This is to avoid get disconnected often
ssh -X -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -p X
Please use the following machine to upload and download data:
SFTP Access:
sftp -o Port=X
scp -P X <files to upload>
Samba/SMB Access:
Windows: \\
Mac: smb://
Notes: All programs are in
Aparently, you have to call each program from its PATH, so double check that carefully. Also, the nodes are specified independently, so double-check that you are running optimally.
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate <package>
Follow this instructions:
SGE infrastructure of the CQLS-OSU cluster SGE submission examples
# general submission work
SGE_Batch -c “./tu script” -P 1 -q bpp -r jobname
# specific hots submission work
SGE_Batch -c “./tu script” -P 1 -q bpp@cerebro -r jobname
Development session
# running development session in a specific host
qrsh -q bpp@cerebro
# requesting multiple processors
qrsh -q bpp@anduin -pe thread 16
# requesting memory
qrsh -q bpp@anduion -l mem_free=120G
Note: you can use the commands below to specify memory, processors, etc.
The database can be called from $BLASTDB
ls -lth $BLASTDB/
$/nfsi1/CGRB/BlastDB/NCBI/v5/latest_blast_DB -> blast_20220421
# execute
SGE_Batch -c 'blastn -query file.fasta -db nt -out -num_threads 4' -P 4 -q bpp -r blastn
There are some nodes that just don't work.
qsub -q *@!(samwise*|nem*)
Anduin node got fixed.
Basic Usage:
SGE_Batch -c '<command>' -m <max_memory> -f <free_mem_request> -F <max_file_size> -P <number_processors> -r <Run_ID> -p <priority> -M <email_address> -q <queue> -Q
-c The command to submit. (REQUIRED: Make sure to use '')
-t Array Job Range to submit (e.g. 1-100).
-b Array Job Maximum Task Concurrency ('batch size'; default 50).
-F Kill the job if any created file exceeds this size (100M, 1G, 4G, 32G etc.).
-f Free memory to request on the machine to run this job (100M, 1G, 4G, 32G etc.).
-m Maximum memory this job may use (kill if exceeded) (100M, 1G, 4G, 32G etc.).
-P The number of processors needed for this job if you have a threaded application (default 1).
-r The SGE RunID and Log Output Directory Name. (REQUIRED)
-q The QUEUE to use. (default to use any node you have access to)
-Q Don't print any output to the screen. (Use then when you are running many jobs at once).
-p The priority of job submitted. (range -10 to 10, default 0)
-M Email address to send notification at beginning and end of job.
-S Shell option: Setting this option will change the default shell from "bash" to "tcsh". (defualt "bash").
-h Print Help Page.
-l mem_free Specify the amount of memory needed.
-l s_vmem Sepecify the soft limit of memory requested - pass ot to SIGNIN to the program.
-l h_vmem Specify the hard limit of memory request - if your job exceed this limit, it will be killed
$ SGE_Avail
# amp 1007.6 977.5 128 bpp 107 107 normal BIP
# cerebro 1007.3 986.6 256 bpp 171 103 normal BIP
# anduin* 1007.6 977.5 128 bpp 86 86 normal BIP
# selway 1007.6 964.1 128 bpp 86 86 normal BIP
# symbiosis 1007.4 991.7 128 bpp 89 67 normal BIP
# debary 1007.6 936.9 128 bpp 86 50 normal BIP
# galls 503.7 477.0 64 bpp 44 24 normal BIP
# cedro 503.7 492.1 64 bpp 44 18 normal BIP
- LeBoldus primary host, also Fangorn - not listed.
Category | State | SGE Letter Code |
Pending | pending | qw |
Pending | pending, user hold | qw |
Pending | pending, system hold | hqw |
Pending | pending, user and system hold | hqw |
Pending | pending, user hold, re-queue | hRwq |
Pending | pending, system hold, re-queue | hRwq |
Pending | pending, user and system hold, re-queue | hRwq |
Pending | pending, user hold | qw |
Pending | pending, user hold | qw |
Running | running | r |
Running | transferring | t |
Running | running, re-submit | Rr |
Running | transferring, re-submit | Rt |
Suspended | obsuspended | s, ts |
Suspended | queue suspended | S, tS |
Suspended | queue suspended by alarm | T, tT |
Suspended | allsuspended withre-submit | Rs,Rts,RS, RtS, RT, RtT |
Error | allpending states with error | Eqw, Ehqw, EhRqw |
Deleted | all running and suspended states with deletion | dr,dt,dRr,dRt,ds, dS, dT,dRs, dRS, dRT |
conda create --name NEW_ENV python=3
conda activate NEW_ENV
conda deactivate NEW_ENV
# checking list enviroment
conda env list
to modify the long path use: conda config --set env_prompt '({name})'
Cheat sheet: conda environments
To load conda environments from bash
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate RepeatMakser
Raw pipeline for PacBio genome assemblies of P. ramorum
"Assembly reads"
Nextdenovo -> Pacbio # reads assembly
"QStats "
assembly -> Braker # contig annotation
"Genome annotated"
<Comparative genomics> -> What Tools?
hgap-4 -> Falcon-unzip -> purge_haplotigs -> SSPACE_LongRead
#for nano pore assemblies
flye # to aassembly de novo
in .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/.local/to_folder
in the .tcshrc
, set the enviroment by adding
set PATH $HOME/.local/to_folder/:$PATH
CGRB infrastructure and you
CGRB infrastructure
UNIX hpc cluster basic information
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