Astutus is a portofolio to demonstrate the range and depth of my python development skills. It also serves as a useful codebase from which I can search and reuse code as needed. Next, it serves as repository of things that I've learned and want to be able to efficiently reuse.
Finally, over the next few months it will develop into a set of capabilities that you might find useful.
Install and update using pip:
pip install -U astutus --pre
Please note the use of --pre option. With the current build automation, the packages published to PyPI are all marked as alpha.
Here are some of the technologies I've used in the past and will be incorporating into this code base.
Full-stack web developer skills:
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Jinja2
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Sphinx
- Restructured Text
Python Technologies:
- Integrated Documentation
- Setuptools
- Pytest
Productivity Technologies:
- Test Driven Development
- Continuous Improvement
- Automation
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Deployment
- Semantic Versioning
- Agile Planning
- Bias for Action
Other Technologies:
- Docker
- Raspbery Pi
Not all of these are yet incorporated into this code base. This is a work-in-progress. As time passes more of these capabilities will be published.